Welcome to @art, an electronic art
					gallery affiliated with the School 
					of Art and Design, the University 
					of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


					This gallery has been implemented
					by the faculty members Kathleen 
					Chmelewski, Nan Goggin, and Joseph 
					Squier, and research assistant

					Andrea Shaker. They have formed a 
					collective called ad319. 

					Exhibits are curated by the founding
					members, with the intention of pro-
					viding an electronic viewing space
					for talented and mature artists of
					outstanding merit. 

					We are currently conducting a survey
					in an effort to collect feedback
					from the gallery audience.  You will
					periodically notice a link to an online

					survey form.  After you have explored
					part or all of the exhibition, please 
					consider participating.  It only takes
					a few minutes, and will serve as an 
					important guide in the evolution of 
					@art gallery.
					Observe the following suggestions for 
					optimum viewing. If you are using the 
					WWW browser MOSAIC use the default 
					"style" settings. If you are using the 

					browser NETSCAPE, go to the options 
					menu and preferences; change the fixed 
					font to Monaco using size 9 type. In 
					all cases, deselect the underline 
					button for links.  
					  C U R R E N T  E X H I B I T I O N
					  A R C H I V E

					  M O R E  A B O U T ad319

					Would you like to complete a survey?