The NPARC Alliance

The NPARC Alliance is a partnership between the NASA Lewis Research Center (LeRC) and the Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC) dedicated to the establishment of a national, applications oriented computational fluid dynamics (CFD) capability, centered on the NPARC computer program.


A Tool of Choice for Aerospace Flow Simulation

Develop a CFD tool of choice for the US aerospace community, providing a high quality, general purpose aerodynamic flow simulation tool, which is readily utilized in a wide variety of analysis, design, development, research and educational applications.


We support the US aerospace community by advancing the NPARC flow simulator.

The NPARC Alliance provides and actively supports the first class flow simulation tool known as NPARC for use on aerospace applications which advance the national interests. The NPARC flow simulator is continuously being improved and validated to address the US aerospace community's requirements for an efficient general purpose flow simulation tool which addresses their analysis, design and development needs. The Alliance provides NPARC support to all user organizations, serves as the national focal point for NPARC development and validation, and ensures that these efforts remain customer focused by actively seeking feedback from the user community.

About this World-Wide-Web Information service

Alliance Information

NPARC Flow Solver Information and Acquisition

User's Bulletin Board


NPARC Reference List

The Predictor/Corrector Newsletter

Pre- and Post-processing Tools

The NPARC WWW server ...