Mexico WWW: List | Map | New | Info

List By State
WWW Servers in Mexico

  Aguascali  B Califo   B Calif S  Campeche   Coahuila   Colima     Chiapas

  Chihuahua  DF         Durango    Guanajua   Guerrero   Hidalgo    Jalisco
  Mexico     Michoacan  Morelos    Nayarit    Nuevo Le   Oaxaca     Puebla
  Queretaro  Quin Roo   San L P    Sinaloa    Sonora     Tabasco    Tamaulipa 

  Tlaxcala   Veracruz   Yucatan    Zacatecas


Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes
Provides information about our University: Institutional context, organization, carrers and study plans, basic statistics, directory. Also links interesting home pages.

Baja California

Centro de Ensenanza Tecnica y Superior
Located on the city of Mexicali, on the Baja California peninsula of Mexico, the Cetys WWW server provides campus related information, university publications, and will feature Mexican photographic exhibits among other things. Some links to other servers of interest are provided.

Centro de Investigacon Cientifica y de Educacion Superior de Ensenada
This server provides information on the scientific and technological activities of CICESE. Located in the northwest of Mexico, 75 miles south of the United States-Mexico border, CICESE conducts research in basic and applied science, technological innovation and offers degrees at the M. Sc. and Ph. D. levels, in the areas of ocean dynamics, ecological processes and global change, fisheries, aquaculture, marine biotechnology, optics, optelectronics, control theory, telecomunications, computer science, applied geophysics, seismology, and geology.

Baja California Sur



Corporacion Mexicana de Investigacion en Materiales, S.A. de C.V. (COMIMSA)
It provides information about COMIMSA, which basically is a specialized services company in materials science and technology field. COMIMSA offers technological services packages in failure analysis, environmental engineering, quality control inspection and assesment, turbomachinery and high added value materials restoration, training courses, etc. COMIMSA also maintains associations with other important technological centers in Mexico and U.S.A.


Universidad de Colima
Provides the Internet user with services and information about our State and University.



Distrito Federal

Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia
This server is located en Mexico City. It provides information about Conacyt's services, its regional delegations addresses, coordinated centers and some information about the Red Tecnologica Nacional. Also, links to other servers in Mexico and the world.

El Colegio de Mexico, A.C.
El Colegio de Mexico, established in 1940, is a non-profit, graduate research and teaching institution in the social sciences and humanities. It is composed of seven departaments or centers: Literature and Linguistics, History, International Studies, Asian and African Studies, Demographic and Urban Studies, Sociology and Economics. It also offers non-degree programs in other fields.

Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo
It provides information about The Mexican Petroleoum Institute. It includes some information about services, development and activities related to the Petroleoum Technology. Links to other servers in Mexico are available.

Instituto Politecnico Nacional
It provides information about our institute. Include some technicals reports about telecommunications, and information in audio, animations and video format.

Centro Nacional de Calculo
The National Calculus Center main objetive is to give studies in Computer Sciences to obtain a Master degree, as well related activities to the development and research and as a provider of computer curses.

Centro de Investigacion y Estudios Avanzados
Provides information on CINVESTAV's goals, structure, research and academic programs (MSc and PhD) as well as access to other CINVESTAV's on line services and bulletins.

Sistemas Operativos e Ingenieria de Sistemas "DCICyC-IPN"
It provides information about mainframes ES/9000 (Supercomputer 9021 and Mainframe 9221). Both are connected to the IPN Network, and are appointed to give excellent support to the acedemic and research activities carried out in the different schools of the Institute.

Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico
It provides information about our Institution. Including our Development and Research Centers, Admissions, e-mail address directory, publications and more!.

Internet de Mexico
This Web provides information about our services as well as a long list of links classified by subject. Also includes "Internet Elemental" a reference book about the Internet and its navigation tools with redy to use examples. Mostly in spanish.

ITESM - Campus Ciudad de Mexico
It provides general information about our campus. There are links to basic services for searching information in the Internet. Also presents projects, academic activities and research being made at our Institute.

This is the home page of SPIN, "Sistema Profesional de Informacion" of Mexico. We provide all kind of communications services in the country and we run a big BBS. Our home page includes many local services and we are adding services everyday. Visit our system via "telnet"

Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana
The Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana has three campuses distributed in Mexico City: one in The Azcapotzalco zone, another in Iztapalapa zone and the third one in Xochimilco. Through UAM's WWW server it will be possible to inquire about the academic and research activities developed by the institution, those seeking to establish a new bound among its researchers-proffesors and those of its counterparts, be it in Mexico ot througt the word.

Universidad Iberoamericana
Through this WWW server, the UIA presents its esential documents, makes the academic and administrative structure of this institution of higher education public, as well as the location of the campi, general information and the services it provides.

Departamento de Comunicacion
It provides information about the Communication Department at the Iberoamericana University Campus Mexico. Includes: academic staff lists, and some pages created by the students.

Universidad La Salle A.C.
This server is intended to be one of the most important information services inside the University. It will include technical information about some of the most interesting research projects developed at our University. Many students will write about their personal point of view about their careers and such interesting things.

Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

Facultad de Ciencias
It provides information about our university. It includes some publications, academic staff lists, student information, bibliography consult and more. Also, links to other servers in Mexico are available.

Ingenieria Electrica, Division de Estudios de Posgrado de la Facultad de Ingenieria
It provides information about Master and Ph studies on Electric Engineering in this university, the staff list of these department, their works and publications.

Instituto de Astronomia
Home Page for the Institute of Astronomy at the National University of Mexico. General information about the National Astronomical Observatory, graduate studies in Astronomy, staff and research is available.

Instituto de Fisiologia Celular
Home Page of the Institute of Cellular Physiology at the National University of Mexico. General information about the Institute, Graduate Programs in Biomedical Sciences, Faculty research interests and other services and academic activities. Links to other Biology related WWW servers, as well as a tool for searching Molecular Biology Databases all over the World.

Instituto de Geofisica Depto. de Sismologia
It provides information of current work for both the Department and the National Seismological Service. It also includes academic staff lists, student information and more. Will be used as a channel to inform about current seismicity in Mexico.

Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas
Provides information about our Institute, its research staff, its publications, the research centers it has spawned, and more.

Laboratorio de Visualizacion
It provides information about our Visualization Lab. It includes some info about tools provided to our researchers, staff lists, and more. Also, links to our Supercomputing dept. and other servers in Mexico City are available.

The Mosaic Home Page of the Subdireccion Of Networks and Comunnications is mainly focused to telecommunications and networking though also pretends to cover topics of general interest for the universitary community. In the short term it will contain a special section dedicated to Mexico City and the campus of Ciudad Uiversitaria.



Universidad de Guanajuato
Our server provides information about our University, turistic information of major cities of our state (Artesany, interesting places to visit, weather, how to arrive, something of history etc). Also it contains links to another servers in Mexico and the world. We have an interesting list of links to important companies an corporations in entire world.




Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO)
It provides information about our university and also includes home pages to dealing with internet, i.e, tutorials, search engines.There's also a home page of internet resources in Mexico.

Universidad de Guadalajara
Provides oficial information about our University: history, academic information, and general features. Our server also contains information about our country: art, culture and folklore. Also are available links to servers in Mexico and other interesting home pages.

Mexico Info
Here you can find information about MEXICO, in topics related to Culture, History, Arts and Folk, Science, Sports, Bussiness, Tourism, Geography, Politics and News. This Web Server is a courtesy of the University of Guadalajara. Check it out!

It is the first mexican commercial center in the Internet, a place for commercial services.


ITESM - Campus Estado de Mexico
Provides information about our University: academic and extra-academic activities, research projects on Campus and information on students and staff. Also provides internal services like personnel location and mark queries.


Universidad Michoacana
Information about the university and the state of Michoacan.


Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas
It provides brief information about our institution and links to other servers in Mexico. It is right now in construction. We are planning to include information about the areas we are working (we are a research institute in the electrical field with over 800 researchers), we will also include publications we have (Bulletin, Anual Reports, etc.), and information about the scholarships we offer.

ITESM - Campus Morelos
This server contains information about this University, like admission requirements, scholar programs, research centers, summer and regular courses, directory information, departments, student groups and residences, information services and links to other servers in Mexico and the World.

UNAM - Instituto de Biotecnologia
This server provides information about the Biotecnology Institute of the National Autonomus University of Mexico, located in the city of Cuernavaca, Morelos. It includes information about the Institute's organization, academic and research activities, academic staff, students information and topics about biotechnology.


Nuevo Leon

The Source of Information in Mexico. As the de facto information provider for Mexican information, we are now offering our services worldwide via InterNet. We offer financial and statistical data, news and legal databases, and Mexico's Official Information, both historical and current data. With more than 70 years of experience, this editorial consortium publishes the daily newspapers El Norte in the city of Monterrey and Reforma in Mexico City.

ITESM - Campus Monterrey
This Mosaic Server provides information about the ITESM University, Campus Monterrey. It includes news about ITESM Computer Services, information about the ITESM Monterrey Campus Information Center-Library, electronics publications and student information. Also, links to other servers in Mexico and U.S.A.

Informatics Research Center (IRC)
Provides general information about the Informatics Research Center (IRC) at ITESM, and about its projects, courses and symposiums. Also provides some links to other WWW servers.

Tec de Monterrey
This server maintained by AIRE offers general information about our Institute, such as the campus academic calendar, services regarding the Library-Information Center and information about all the fields of study which are available. It includes information regarding the different associations and their programs and the activities they offer; general notices for the university community; information about our city of Monterrey and connections to other servers.

Rectoria del Campus Eugenio Garza Sada
This server provides information about the history, High School programs, extracademic activities and instalations. Includes publications of the campus and important events, also links to other servers in Mexico and around the world.

It provides information about the International Symposium on Applied Corporate Computing, and about the Informatics Research Center of the ITESM, also are available links to a couple of universities.

Pixel Internacional, S.A. de C.V.
Located in Northern Mexico, and inside one of the nation's most industrialized cities, Pixel is the first Internet provider in the Country. Our site includes information about companies in Mexico, links to other WWW servers around the world, and information about Mexico.

Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon
It provides general information about the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon and direct access to the institution's gopher. The University's BBS and turistic information about the Nuevo Leon state will be available soon.

Universidad Regiomontanta
Provides general information about Universidad Regiomontana. It includes links to other servers in Mexico, and links to some useful servers in USA.



Universidad de las Americas-Puebla
Located in central Mexico, it provides information about our university. It includes some electronic publications, academic staff lists, student information and more. The Central Index of WWW Servers in Mexico is mantained here.


CIATEQ is an investigation and technology development center, located in Queretaro, Mexico. This server, available in two versions (english and spanish), provides information about CIATEQ and up to date information on the projects in which the center is currently involved.

Quintana Roo

San Luis Potosi


Centro de Ciencias de Sinaloa
Our server has general information about Sinaloa Science Center. Describe the differents halls, laboratories, workshops, etc. Include the cdrom's list we have, and Sinaloa's state information.


Universidad de Sonora
It provides information about our university; academic and historic. It includes sensitives maps of the campus, city of Hermosillo and Sonora state with general information. Local news and more.





Instituto de Ecologia, A.C.
Located in the city of Xalapa (Jalapa), this institute specializes in theoretical and applied research in ecology, entomology, botany, wood sciences, and biotechnology, and has a graduate degree program. It presents information on Latin American biodiversity and furnishes the full text of several scientific magazines, books, and documents.

Laboratorio Nacional de Informatica Avanzada, A.C.
Located in the state of Veracruz, this server provides general information about LANIA, the projects of investigation in which the center participates, regular and special publications and its presence to national and international level. Also, coming soon, it will offer tourist information about Xalapa and the state of Veracruz.

Universidad Veracruzana
It provides information about the University of Veracruz (Geography distribution, services, directories...) and general information of Veracruz State.


This server provides information about the network of CINVESTAV-IPN Merida, called "Red Telematica", the Telematica's user list and some staff information, experimental physics and computer WWW site lists. It includes some tourist information ( it is located in the southeast of Mexico, the land of the ancient mayas ).


Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas
Located in north of Mexico, it provides information about our university. It includes academic staff lists, and some information about the state of zacatecas. Also, links to other WWW servers in Mexico.

*** Servers in process of registration ***

Servidor Web ITESM Campus Hidalgo
MUNDO INTERNET. Pagina Inicial
Universidad Anahuac
Universidad Autonoma de Baja California

Copyright 1993, 94, 95 Alfredo De Regil