InternetU is Brevard County, Florida's on-ramp to the Internet. We invite
you to explore our niche in cyberspace, and please let us know how you like it!
InternetU Info
- Rates, services, and sign-up information, as well as home pages of
our staff, customers, and friends. Look here for our current workshop
schedule and other information. InternetU customers: check your connect
time here!
The Space Coast
- Current weather and lots of info about places of interest on
Florida's sunny Space Coast.
The MarketPlace
- Business pages with products and services that you should check out.
Navigate the Net
- Look here for the catalogs and search tools you can use to
find the things you're looking for on the Internet.
Software Library
- Help yourself to the software that's available on our server and elsewhere
New User Documentation
- Some useful resources to help you get up to speed on the information
Thanks to Marshal Perlman of TelTECH for web page development work.
Email questions and comments to or call (407) 254-4901