Parasoft Express
A tool for parallel programming.
- Portable
- Currently runs on
- networks of unix workstations
- the Cray XMP/YMP, and T3D
- Intel Paragon and Delta
- the CM5
- the NCUBE/2
- IBM's 3090, ES9000, Power4, PVS, and SP1
- Compilers
- Uses C and FORTRAN.
- Library
- Provides libraries at all levels of sophistication, from low level
message passing to automatic decomposition and parallelization.
- Development tools
- Provides a set of sophisticated support tools including parallel
debugging and performance analysis.
An ubiased report comparing Express, Linda, P4, and PVM is available.
It is entitled Efficiency Evaluation of
Some Parallelization Tools on a Workstation Cluster Using the NAS
Parallel Benchmarks. In this paper you will find that Express
is quite favorably reviewed. Here is a table from the paper:
Jon Flower and Adam Kolawa of the Parasoft Corporation
have written a paper describing some basic features of Express and
why it is more than just a message passing tool.
It is entitled Express
is not just a
Message Passing System.
Other information is available from Parasoft via their anonymous ftp
server at Internet address or
their new Parasoft Corporation home page.
Last updated 11/17/94.
This html document maintained by:
John Evans (