Search Science Fiction Review Archives

Thinking about getting some SF book? Quite possibly there's a review available. Just use this form to search for it!

A searchable index to the SF & Fantasy review archives - Extracts all relevant reviews and displays them in a tasteful manner...
You can, for example, search for a specific Author, Title or why not a certain Reviewer.
(You might also want to take a look at the Usenet Authorpolls, or the SF Guide reviews)

Note: For some browsers, the POST method (used here) might not work correctly (Image loading may fail, for instance.) Should this be the case, you are welcome to try the alternative interface (using GET.)
Search term:

Match whole words only Case sensitive search

Search Fields: Note: Selecting all should be best in most cases

Search Archives:

Rec.Arts.Sf.Reviews archive - ~4MB of reviews
(You might also want to try the WAIS interface for a simple full text search)
Raymond's Reviews - by Eric S. Raymond (Written Jan '90 - April '92)
Usenet Reviews - collected by Mats Íhrman. Already sorted Author-specific files
(You might want to select Author Search, when applicable, for (possibly) better results)
OtherRealms - by Chuq Von Rospach (1986-91). Special - returns pointers to relevant Zine issues only

Some guidelines to how to specify the Search Term: (Note that the search term is one string only (one or more words); no boolean expressions, multiple strings, etc. are allowed.)
If, for example, you would search for the author Orson Scott Card, some entries may be missed if you were to specify
'orson scott card'. Likewise, others might be missed with the search term 'card, orson scott'. The usage in the reviews varies.
So, to catch all occurrances, chose the most distinctive string, and use Whole Word/Case Sensitive if appropriate. In the above case, the best term might be
'Orson', with both Whole Words and Case Sensitive specified...

Comments welcome!
All Forms, scripts and other things made by Stefan Petersson -
A bit of a hack; but manages to convert the (mostly) News Posts to at least a semblance of HTMLization on the fly...
Archives (or pointers) and other SF resources can be found at Rutgers University, or try my SF & F Page
Note: A full text search is not performed here - to avoid retrieval of spurious items.