LEGO Information


There are many things here, but it's been somewhat difficult to get everything organized. If you have comments, suggestions, or new/updated material, please feel free to send me a note.

What's new

We've moved! Please change your hotlists for faster service. The LEGO WWW server is now located at
Take a minute and check out the World Wide Yellow Pages, just one of the interesting products by Home Pages, Inc. who has donated the server.

As always, our frequent visitors' club brings you a summary of the latest additions and updates.

Pictures, Sets, and Instructions!

Information on the 1995 product line (sorry, no photos yet).

Thanks to all those folks out there with scanners, there's a wide variety of images available! First off, here's some from the 1994 product line.

Also, there's lots and lots of specific information on LEGO sets, including part lists.

Ideas and Activities

History, Travel, and Clubs

Other Information Sources


This site has no connection with INTERLEGO A.G. or its subsidiaries.
Server space is donated by Home Pages, Inc.
Please read the disclaimer and copyright notice available.


Last updated December 16, 1994 by David Koblas.