The Faculty
Research Groups
Matthew Gould
Professor; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State. Universal Algebra, Semigroup Theory, Lattice Theory
Ralph McKenzie
Distinguished Professor of Mathematics; Ph.D., Colorado. Universal Algebra.
Charles K. Megibben
Professor; Ph.D., Auburn. Abelian Groups, Set-theoretical Algebra, Theory of Rings
Steven T. Tschantz
Associate Professor; Ph.D., California, Berkeley. Geometric Group Theory
Constantine Tsinakis
Professor and Chairman; Ph.D., California, Berkeley. Lattice Theory, Universal Algebra, Theoretical Computer Science
Assistant Professor; Ph.D., Tulane. Theoretical Computer Science, Topological Algebra
Richard F. Arenstorf
Professor; Ph.D., Mainz, Germany. Analytic Number Theory, Automorphic Functions, Zetafunctions, Celestial Mechanics, Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems
Richard R. Goldberg
Professor; Ph.D., Harvard. Harmonic Analysis, Integral Transforms
John A. Kelingos
Associate Professor; Ph.D., Michigan. Boundary Behavior of Analytic and Harmonic Functions with Schwartz and Beurling Distributional Boundary Values
Associate Professor; Ph.D., Chicago. Nonlinear Initial Value Problems, Functional Analysis, Models of Set Theory
Quidong Wang
Assistant Professor; Ph.D., Cinncinnati. Dynamical Systems, Celestial Mechanics, Hamiltonian Systems
Daoxing Xia
Professor; Ph.D., Jijian, China. Operator Theory and its Application
John F. Ahner
Associate Professor; Ph.D., Delaware. Integral Equation Methods in Scattering and Potential Theory; Fractional Calculus and Mixed Boundary Value Problems; Elasticity Theory
Assistant Professor; PhD., Universtiy of Texas; Partial Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis
Philip S. Crooke
Professor; Ph.D., Cornell. Applied Mathematics: Mathematical Modelling, Differential Equations, Mathematical Modelling in Medicine
Associate Professor; Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology. Fractal Geometry, Mathematical Biology
Mary Ann Horn
Assistant Professor; Ph.D., Virginia. Partial Differential Equations, Control Theory, Nonlinear Analysis
Charles Kahane
Professor; Ph.D., New York. Integral Equations, Asymptotic Behavior of Reaction Diffusion Systems
Gieri Simonett
Assistant Professor; Ph.D., Zurich, Switzerland. Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, Control Theory, Free Boundary Problems
Glenn F. Webb
Professor; Ph.D., Emory. Mathematical Biology, Population Dynamics, Models of Tumor Growth, Differential Equations
Associate Professor; Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology. Wavelet Theory, Image Processing
Marian Neamtu
Assistant Professor; Ph.D., Twente, The Netherlands. Approximation Theory
Larry L. Schumaker
Stevenson Professor of Mathematics; Ph.D., Stanford. Approximation Theory, Spline Theory, Computer Aided Design
C. Bruce Hughes
Associate Professor; Ph.D., Kentucky. Geometric and Algebraic Topology, Manifold Theory, Controlled Topology, Stratified Spaces
Michael L. Mihalik
Associate Professor; Ph.D., SUNY, Binghamton. Algebraic Topology, Low Dimensional Topology, Geometric Group Theory
Pedro Ontaneda
Assistant Professor; Ph.D., SUNY, Stony Brook. Differential Geometry.
Efstratios Prassidis
Assistant Professor; Notre Dame. High Dimensional Topology
John G. Ratcliffe
Associate Professor; Ph.D., Michigan. Combinatorial Group Theory, 3-Dimensional Manifolds, Hyperbolic Geometry
Steven T. Tschantz
Assistant Professor; Ph.D., California, Berkeley. Geometric Group Theory
Associate Professor; Ph.D., Waterloo, Canada. Graph Theory, including reconstruction problems, coloring problems and existence problems for paths and cycles
Michael D. Plummer
Professor; Ph.D., Michigan. Graph Theory and Combinatorics
Xiaoya Zha
Assistant Professor; Ph.D., Ohio State. Graph Theory and Combinatorics
Richard J. Larsen
Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies; Ph.D., Rutgers. Probability and Statistics
Horace E. Williams
Professor and Director of Undergraduate Mathematics Program for Engineers; Ph.D., George Peabody College. Elementary Mathematics Education