Instructions For Adding Yourself to the Expertise Database


The information you provide on this questionnaire will be added to the Expertise database and published alongside information from other researchers at other institutions on the World Wide Web.

Should you have any questions please Drop Us a Note.

Questionnaire Overview:

There are four steps to completing a profile:

Filling Out the Questionnaire:

Proofreading your Profile:

Revising/editing your Profile:

To Submit or Further Revise a Profile

Upon final submission, the WWW server will inform you that your record has been received by the system and sent to the technical editing staff.

Important Technical Note:

In order to successfully complete the questionnaire you need a WWW client that has forms support. Almost all of the current clients work fine.

Please make sure that you are using the latest version of your WWW client.

You are now ready to:

If you have any questions, please feel free to Drop Us a Note.