Space Science Data Operations Office Archives Service
The Space Science Data Operations Office (
SSDOO - Code 630)
though its
various branches offers access to a wide selection of Space Science Data.
NDADS (NASA Data Archive Distribution Service)
The data sets stored in this archive system are held on WORM optical
platters and can be staged to areas accessible over the NASA Science
Internet (NSI) or to your home institution. The staging
requests can be made through any of the following systems:
- Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
- Electronic Mail (NDADS-ARMS)
- World Wide Web (NDADS-WWW)
You may then pick up your requested data via Default DECnet
(NSSDCA::anon_dir:[data_dist...]), Anonymous FTP, or HTTP. Direct access for
FTP and HTTP is provided below.
- Anonymous FTP (NDADS-anonymous) This is a FTP to a
VMS computer. If you have problems try the WWW-anonymous.
- World Wide Web anonymous (NDADS-WWW-anonymous)
Further Assistance
Curator: Dr. Michael E. Van Steenberg (
Last revised: 25 Jan 1995
A service of the Space Science Data
Operations Office (SSDOO), Dr. James L. Green, Chief