Hot Virtual Reality Sites

Reprinted with permission of Bob Thaves

VENUS the Virtual Environment Navigation in the Underground Sites is a large scale effort at CERN to use virtual prototyping for the next generation particle accelerator.
Mississippi State Virtual Environment/Interactive Systems Programat the National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center for Computational Field Simulation
Montgomery Blair High School Virtual Walkthrough shows how all us old geezer computer types better watch out as the kids are catching up.
FLAIR - Flexible Learning With an Artificial Intelligence Repository is an interesting project at Drexel University. It's FLAIR WORLD attempts to provide a VR interface to the AI repository.
The Human Interface Technology Lab at the University of Washington in Seattle probably contains the most extensive collection of information about VR avaliable on the net.
Treatment of Acrophobia by Using Virtual Reality Graded Exposure a thesis by Rob Kooper is a fascinating application of VR.
The Interactive Visualizer at Georgia Tech is a full fledged VR environment being used in a wide variety of projects.
The Encyclopedia of Virtual Environments (EVE) at the University of Maryland at College Park is a collection of information about the many applications and components devices and technologies which comprise Virtual Environments.
The Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center at the Georgia Institute of Technology illustrates many graphics and user interface projects including a good section on virtual environments.
The MR Toolkit from the University of Alberta is one of the most robust and widely used VR software tools and libraries. It is available with source code.
The LUTCHI Research Centre in the Loughborough University of Technology, Leicestershire, UK has a variety of VR and user interface projects.
Biomechanics, Inc. a motion capture company, has some way cool MPEGs of human motion.
United Technologies Research Center Human Computer Interaction Laboratory points to a some good work being done at UTRC.
Imaginative Entertainment's VR Resources page points to a bunch of interesting VR resources.
Crystal River Engineering offers a variety of 3D sound systems for your virtual worlds.
Applied Virtual Reality Corporation (AVR) in their words "Founded in 1994, AVR was formed to be Canada's leading resource for information, education, research and VR technology acquisition in the application of the Virtual Reality medium".
2morrow World Building kit a low cost garage VR toolkit for PCs.
Template Graphics Software an old time vendor of lots of graphics software products is working on a commercial 3D web browser using VRML.
Home Tour Pixel Dust Productions a multimedia consulting company offers some web based virtual "tours" of some homes for sale.
VR World a magazine published by Meckermedia is on the web with an online version of their magazine and other VR publications.
EINET Galaxy a commercial provider of network communications and information has a nice web page on Virtual Reality.
Vox-L Stereoscopic Workstations by Vox-L Inc., produces an imaging systems primarily for medical imaging applications.
The Virtual Reality Allience of Students and Professionals (VRASP) a not-for-profit organization is up on the Web.
Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) The VRML Version 1.0 Specification.
Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) A network based effort to develop VRML a language suitable for interfacing VR environments with the web.
The The Virtual Environment Generator will carry virtual reality into space, courtesy of NASA, in a 1998 Space Shuttle Mission.
The MCS (Mathematics and Computer Science Division of Argonne National Laboratory is exploring virtual environment and hey...they have a CAVE.
The Army Research Institute has a Mac based server illustrating research on the effects of immersion.
The Naval Postgraduate School has lots of good VR work...check it out.
The NCSA VR Lab Home Page illustrates the ever expanding work being done at NCSA.
The WebStars project at NASA Goddard has an excellent pointer to a number of VR sites, resources and information.
Last but not least the Open Virtual Reality Testbed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

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