Welcome to the WWW service for the UMDS Image Processing Group, London

An example of our work. Click on it for details.

Or you can listen to this wav (2.1Mb 3.5 minutes) file of Dr Dave Hawkes giving a radio interview describing the work (Science View, BBC Radio 4, Sat 25 March 1995, 16:30)

Other audio formats to follow


The Image Processing Group [IPG] is an interdisciplinary research group based at UMDS, the United Medical & Dental Schools of Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals.

We are developing image processing and computer vision techniques, with a particular emphasis on medical applications.


This WWW (which does NOT speak for UMDS as a whole (see our server policy)) has information about
The Image Processing Group, including staff, publications and project pages
Job Vacancies (New Vacancy added on 24 Feb)

The IPG's Medical Image Archive
The PET Centre of Guy's & St Thomas' Hospitals
The IPG's Teaching Archive
Biomedical Imaging Conference Database
Navigating your way to and around UMDS
Links to other servers
Local Information of interest to the IPG
Radiological Sciences Services
Radiological Sciences newsletter
Usenet News
Sending feedback about these pages
Server statistics
Server access policy

If you experience any problems please email me or use this form.
Don't forget to tell me the page name or URL.
webmaster@ipg.umds.ac.uk 6 March 1995