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These tunes were recorded 24 track or direct to DAT and are [CopyrightSymbol] Copyright 1994.
The lyrics also contain comments about this stuff.
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[thumbs up][thumbs down] +17 [lyrics] [audio] Last Perfect Day (3:50 1.8MB) Brian Wilson melodies abound..
[thumbs up][thumbs down] +11 [lyrics] [audio] Orbit (4:45 2.2MB) A Big Ballad. Jessica called it the Radio Tune.
[thumbs up][thumbs down] +3 [audio] Lost In Her Head (3:53 1.8MB) Country & western disco pop.
[thumbs up][thumbs down] +7 [lyrics] [audio] Audrey Hepburn (2:35 1.2MB) Big Happy Beat-y.
[thumbs up][thumbs down] -1 [lyrics] [audio] Duck (2:04 1MB) What can you say? Ha Ha Ha.
[thumbs up][thumbs down] +4 [lyrics] [audio] Pluto (1:56 .9MB) (excerpt) Live! Old! Ambient!
[thumbs up][thumbs down] +6 [lyrics] [audio] Why? (2:40 1.3MB) Damnit! Outta My Head!
[thumbs up][thumbs down] -2 [lyrics] [audio] The Sandwichmaker (2:20 1.5MB) Brady is lost in the kitchen.
[thumbs up][thumbs down] +8 [lyrics] [audio] Perpetually Thursday (2:25 1.1M) Dance. Nice lyrics, too.
[thumbs up][thumbs down] +8 [lyrics] [audio] Whale (7:35 3.6MB) Justified ambient disco epic.
[thumbs up][thumbs down] -4 [lyrics] [audio] Urgent/Aid (excerpt) (2:40 1.3M) Straight-up tech-disco ala Vergiftung.
[thumbs up][thumbs down] -11 [lyrics] [audio] Arvo Party (6:50 3MB) It ain't pop - Adlib sound collage.

Total votes (since 17 Nov 1994) 483, Last vote from:

[studio photo]
[martin] Martin Stebbing
[david] David Whittemore (your host)
[brady] Brady Branam