About The Reusable Launch Vehicle Technology Program

The Reusable Launch Vehicle Technology (RLV) Program is a partnership among NASA, the Air Force, and industry for world leadership in low-cost space transportation. The objective of this program is to develop and demonstrate new technologies for the next generation of reusable space transportation systems that can radically reduce the cost of access to space. This will require a combination of ground and flight demonstrations. The experimental flight (X vehicles) portion of the program will be used to verify full-up systems operability and performance in "real world" environments.

The RLV technology program stemmed from a 1993 NASA study performed at the request of Congress to address the Nation's future space transportation needs. The Access to Space study concluded that the most beneficial option would be to develop and deploy a fully reusable, pure rocket launch system, incorporating advanced technologies. The study determined that, while the goal of achieving fully reusable rocket launch vehicles has existed for a long time, recent advances in technology make such a vehicle practical in the near term, provided that necessary technologies are matured and demonstrated prior to the start of vehicle development.

About These HomePages

These pages are meant to inform the public and the aerospace industry about the Reusable Launch Vehicle Program. Among these pages, the casual browser can find an overview of the program and numerous JPEG images of the RLV concept vehicles. There are even QuickTime movies available for downloading.

Industry users can find up-to-date specifications and technical reports, as well as official announcements and test results.

Be sure to check out the latest news about the program.

Navigation Buttons

These buttons will appear at the bottom of each page. Use them to navigate around.

[News] The latest news regarding the RLV program.

[Library] The RLV Library, including magazine articles, technical reports, JPEG images, and QuickTime movies.

[Overview] An overview of the RLV program, including the program philosophy and a list of the vehicle configurations under consideration.

[X Programs] Information about the DC-XA, X-33, and X-34 programs.

[Education] Educational resources for teachers and students.

[FAQ] The most frequently asked questions regarding the RLV program.

[Home] Back to this page.

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