Sea Urchin Harvesters Association - California

Welcome to the S.U.H.A.C. Web Page. We hope to have more information available in the near future. Please look around at the documents we have. Sugestions or comments are welcomed.

SUHAC Organization

SUHAC was created as a non-profit organization in March 1995 by members of the California sea urchin diving community. At a meeting April 8, 1995 in Santa Barbara, an interim Board of Directors and Officers was elected until the statewide meeting of the membership on June 10, 1995. Read the agenda for the Annual Membership Meeting.

Purpose and Direction

The purposes of SUHAC are:

  • To establish a communications network among sea urchin divers, through a newsletter and such other means as are deemed necessary and appropriate by the organization, providing divers with information on policies, procedures, statutes, and regulations affecting the sea urchin fishery, meeting anouncements and for other information the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) requests to be transmited to sea urchin divers.
  • To establish a program to educate the public and the State Legislature on the conservation, utilization, and benefits of sea urchins.
  • To convene statewide conferences for members of the industry to meet for purposes of strengthening the industry and benefiting industry goals.

  • Assembly Bill 718 deals with the extension of our self imposed tax and the funding for the Directors Sea Urchin Advisory Committee (DSUAC). Read the letter divers and diver representatives sent to Assemblyman Dan Hauser's office regarding amendments to the bill that industry feels should be included.

    At the DSUAC meeting on Friday, April 21, 1995 Mary Morgan of Assemblyman Hauser's office appeared before the Board to confirm the changes to the bill that industry requested. It was agreed by the DSUAC Board that the diver-only tax should be allowed to lapse at the end of the 1996 season (3/31/97) and that the funding for DSUAC be extended at the current funding level for five years.

    Read the Pro and Con for extending the landing tax.

    Read the letter we drafted to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat

    Remembering Jim Robinson

    Millions of people from around the world knew him only for a news-flash as the man killed by a Great White shark off San Miguel Island. But Jim was much, much more than a faceless victim on the evening news: he was one of our own. A Memorial


    Check here for updated info on the industry, studies being performed, reports from the ports around the state and other information regarding the industry.

    Weather and buoy reports from around the State

    Links to other fishery related groups and organizations.


    We want to thank the folks at for their help and cooperation in getting us setup and running in Sacramento.

    Suggestions or comments to

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