The Elastic Fractal
Welcome to the Spanky Fractal Database
This is a collection of fractal's and fractal related material
for free distribution on the net. Most of the software was gathered from
various ftp sites on the internet and it is generally freeware or shareware.
Please abide by the guidelines set down in the individual packages. I would
also like to make a disclaimer here. This page points to an enormous amount
of information and no single person has the time to thoroughly check it all.
I have tested software when I had the resources, and read through papers
when I had the time, but other than certifying that it is related to fractals
I can't assume any other responsibility. Thanks to everyone who has contacted
me, pointing out new and interesting fractal material. I try to respond to
everyone but sometimes things just get too hectic or I get too disorganized.
Enjoy and discover.
A Table of Fractal Information.
This page was last updated on 7th Mar, 1995
The Spanky Fractal Database maintained by
Noel Giffin, TRIUMF