Data Distribution Laboratory (DDL)
Welcome to the home page for the Data Distribution Lab.
About the Data Distribution Lab
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Listing of recent changes
Overview of DDL All you need to know
DDL Staff Images, short bios
WWW Projects
Catalog of Government Scientific CD-ROMs
- A listing of over 400 CD-ROM titles in print. Under construction --
some titles may not be available at this time.
Pioneer 500 CD-ROM Jukebox
- An Online browseable Jukebox currently containing over 400 CD-ROMs,
including all the CDROM's listed in the Catalog.
Welcome to the Planets
- This collection of the best of JPL's planetary exploration
images is available on CDROM or through the WWW.
- The DDL supported IGARSS (International Geoscience and Remote
Sensing Symposium) '94 by producing a CD-ROM of the conference
proceedings. This CD-ROM was distributed at the symposium, August 8-12
at Caltech, free of charge to attendees. The CD-ROM uses NCSA's Mosaic
and Adobe's Acrobat Reader as its user interface software.
NASA Information Systems Newsletter
Papers and Articles
Issues in Producing Multi-Platform CD-ROMs
(Available in
PDF format only)
- This 5 page excerpt from our CD-ROM Professional article relates
our experiences producing the Mars Digital Mosaic CD-ROM for PC,
Macintosh, VAX and UNIX platforms. Available in PDF format only.
Making QuickTime Movies for INTERNET distribution
- This is a short tip from David Hecox, our multimedia
specialist, on producing QUICKTIME movies.
The Making of the IGARSS '94 Proceedings CDROM
(Also available in
PDF format)
- This paper was submitted to the NASA Science Information Systems
Newsletter for publication in the December 94 issue. It describes the
process of producing a conference proceedings CDROM.
Automated Tape Conversion System
- The Data Distribution Lab and the Planetary Data System took on
the challenge of developing an automated tape conversion system that
could copy the tapes to CD-Recordable media rapidly with minimal
operator intervention.
Installing Standalone Windows Mosaic
- This file was originally written to document the steps we went
through to get NCSA Mosaic for Windows to access local files from PCs
running without network connections. Like at Demos, or your home PC.
It's a frustrating task at best. Each and every Windows PC I've come
across seems to be configured just a little bit differently.
CDROM Production Process Slides
- This is a collection of 32 color slides produced by Kristy Kawasaki for use in presentations about
basic CD-ROM technology, and the things you'll need to know before you
start planning to make a CDROM.
Do It Yourself Visualization
(Also available in
PDF format)
- This article describes how to produce your own visualization
products on the Macintosh using the Public Domain program 'IMAGE' from
the National Institutes of Health, and a public domain rendering
program called POVRAY.
Compact Disc Media Evaluation
(Available ONLY in
PDF format)
- This article is a preliminary investigation of CD-ROM media
evaluations, with experiments about the error-rates/recovery, and
lifetime of CD-ROMS.
CDROM Media Evaluation Report
(Also available in
PDF format)
- This article summarizes the results of a CD-Recordable media
evaluation being conducted at the DDL by SIGCAT (the federal Special
Interest Group for CD-ROM Applications and Technology).
Improving Optical Character Recognition Performance
(Also available in
PDF format)
- This article documents the experiences of the DDL in OCR'ing 1100
hardcopy abstracts using the combined output of two different OCR
software packages.
Adventures with Jukeboxes, Part 1
(Also available in
PDF format)
- This paper is Part I of summary of our experiences with a magneto-optic
Adventures with Jukeboxes, Part 2
(Also available in
PDF format)
- This paper is part II of a summary of our experiences with a magneto-optic
For questions about the DDL, contact
Data Distribution Lab,
WebCurator: Mark Takacs at
JPL Cognizant Official: Mike Martin at
Last update: Friday June 09, 1995
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