Birmingham ElectroAcoustic Sound Theatre
Index...updated 1.4.95
BEAST-Rumours...1995 (March)
This concert by BEAST was the last in the current series
There will be a new series in the next academic year.
This Rumours concert took place at mac
on March 22nd/23rd 1995
For more information contact
me or mail me a
Sunday 19th March 8pm
- Rodolfo Caesar...Volta Redonda
- Jonty ainsi de suite
- Denis Smalley...Valley Flow
- Jean-Claude Risset...Sud
Monday 20th March 8pm
- Francois Bayle...Trois reves d'oiseau + Mimameta
- Christian Zanesi...Stop l'Horizon
- Pierre Schaeffer...Cinq etudes de bruit
- Bernard Parmegiani...Dedans-dehors
tickets price 3.50 (2.50) on 0121 440 3838
for directions and mac information click
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THE WEB (22 - 29 may 1995)
an installation with music and sound by BEAST and visuals by Lorne Christie.
Commissioned by the BBC as part of "live 95" it will be installed in the Mayfair Suite above New Street Station from 22 - 29 May 1995
Admission FREE
more details to follow.....
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22-25 May, Salzburg.
BEAST are performing in the Aspekte Festival in Salzburg. This is a contemporary music Festival and works by Birmingham Composers will be featured.
Further details to follow.
for some extra up to the minute details
click here
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Bath Festival
...31 May...
This year the Bath Festival includes a concert with BEAST and the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group performing works by Jonathan Harvey.
Further details to follow.
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Booking the BEAST
for pricing and booking information
e-mailDr.Jonty Harrison
or ring the University 0121 414 5781
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Composer's Corner
a list of www (soon email) addresses of composers
can be obtained
just send a comment with your name and www address if you want in
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Comments for Adrian and for BEAST
here to
send me a comment or brief
mail message
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Some computer artwork derived for BEAST publicity by BEAST
(click on picture to receive large version)
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