Brussels University - Service Télématique et Communication
Welcome to the ULB/STC World Wide Web Server !
This server is hosted by "the Service Télématique et Communication" of
the "Université Libre de Bruxelles" and mainly managed by myself.
The local time in Brussels is Sunday, 30-Apr-95 16:21:15 MET DST
This server includes information regarding the Inter-University Institute for High Energy (IIHE), the International Europhysics Conference on High Enery Physics (eps hep Brussels 95) and of course some ULB/STC information !
The LIRN project
The Belgian MICE-NSC
Brussels University
Gateways & Search tools
- Access to ftp, archie, gopher, X.500, cui, aliweb
local copy of selected documents
- cgi-bin guide, selected FAQ from news.answers, RFC, internet drafts, ISO documents
Searching keywords accross RFC and Internet-drafts is now available
statistics for this server
* ULB/STC home page * mail the webmaster * Michel Colin
7,178 accesses.
Last Modified Friday, 14-Apr-95 16:21:04 MET DST