Welcome to The WAVES Home Page

This is the home page for WAVES (the Waveform And Vector Exchange Specification). WAVES is IEEE Standard 1029.1 "Standard For Waveform and Vector Exchange." WAVES was developed jointly by the IEEE Standards Coordinating Comittee ( SCC20) and the IEEE Design Automation Standards Comittee ( DASC) of the Computer Society

WAVES is the Industry standard representation and exchange format for digital stimulus and response data. The WAVES standard provides a powerful support mechanism for concurrent engineering practices by allowing digital stimulus and response information to be freely exchanged between multiple simulation and test platforms. WAVES is defined as a syntactic subset of the VHSIC Hardware Description Language ( VHDL), and as such, can be simulated against the VHDL model during design to verify the functionality and timing of the design as it progresses. Further, when devices are fabricated the same WAVES data can be ported to the electrical test process to assure that the same vectors and timing that were used during design are applied during test.

Additional WAVES Information Available:

All of the information listed here can be downloaded either by anonymous ftp to: ftp.vhdl.org and looking in the /vi/waves/ftp_files directory OR by pointing your gopher client to: gopher.vhdl.org OR by clicking on the appropriate hyperlink in the text that describes the information.

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