University of Aarhus

Welcome to the WWW server at the University of Aarhus.

This information is also available in Danish.

The server is under construction and does not yet contain all the information planned!!.

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You can also read the Annual Report 1993-94, access a list of publications and a comprehensive annual report for 1993 in danish.

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Aarhus Universitet
Nordre Ringgade 1
DK-8000 Aarhus C
Telephone +45 8942 1166

Telefax   +45 8942 1109
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You can contact people at the university directly on telephone or through e-mail - or on one of the local telefax-machines.

Statistics on this www-server.

Comments on this www-server to
Richardt Rønn, Datakontoret

Last modified 24. feb. 1994.