The Intelligent Information Infrastructure Project seeks to develop an extremely general system for distributing and retrieving information that will work over major Internet protocols. The early phases involve building automated tools for managing outbound and inbound communications flows for large organizations, whether via email, distributed hypermedia, or other electronic media. After an initial phase of developing servers along these lines, the project will turn to interactive tools for wide-area communication, including a number of approaches to natural language understanding.
The project grows out of an experiment run by Eric Loeb and John Mallery during the 1992 Presidential election, when mail agents distributed campaign information, collected questions from citizens, and allowed volunteers to organize. Interest in political communication continues as members of the project work with the White House, the Congress, and Cambridge Government. In one such project, hierarchical and adaptive survey technology developed by the project was used in a survey over 1600 recipients of daily White House Electronic Publications (summary results, survey results). In another, A Common LISP Hypermedia Server was developed to generalize the project's primary research system over the WWW. In yet another, WWW pages are under development for Senator Kennedy and the City of Cambridge.
This page centralizes information about the project.
The MIT Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory has more information about our lab and its research projects.
The MIT Laboratory for Computer Science also
offers a variety of useful resources.
The MIT Media Laboratory homepage
describes some of activities there, but restricts access for outsiders.
The MIT Research Program on Communications
Policy maintains a server with pointers to a variety of
information-infrastructure relevant resources.
The MIT Department of Political Science
is helping political scientists recognize the profound communication
revolution that is underway.
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology home page
provides pointers to the full range of networked resources at the Institute.