Jon's List of Home-School Resources
I'll add links as I find them - or as you mail them to me.
- New!
- A home-school photo gallery - pictures of
(primarily) home-schoolers who don't have their own home-pages. (It's awfully
skeletal right now - UUEncode those pix today!)
As of July 27, 1994, there are two new homeschooling newsgroups! Here
are their charters:
is a forum for the discussion of any
and all aspects of home-schooling: from completely unschooled and
child-directed to rigidly curriculum-based and parent-led; from tips and
experiences to meta-discussions of the nature of ideas and the structure
of society.
is a forum specifically for those
home-schoolers who consider Christ the center of their life and the
basis for all their decisions. Keeping all such religious references
and justifications in the .christian group constitutes a vital fire wall
that helps reduce tension between those who think that "secular
humanism" is simply rationalism and those who think it is Satanism.
While there are probably others, here are the mailing lists that I
know of:
- The broadest list, with lots of often rather tangential traffic.
(Don't get me wrong - it's a great list - but don't join it if
you already have too much email!).
Subscribe via a message to
- Strong anti-government sentiments primarily from the "Christian"
conservative / libertarians / anarchists end of the spectrum. Subscribe
via a message to
- Entirely "Christian".
via a message to
- A low-traffic list with an emphasis on unschooling. Subscribe
via a message to
- Taffie
- Taffie is a mailing list for home schoolers in Texas. To join, send e-mail
with the line subscribe taffie Your Name
in the body of the message. A subject is optional.
- Taking
Children Seriously
- This list, sponsored by Sarah Lawrence of the eponymous British
home-schooling magazine, Taking Children Seriously, is
not strictly a home-schooling mailing list. Rather, it is devoted to
serious, intense, and all too prolix discussion of what it means to raise
children non-coercively, as human beings in their own right.
(Just the list for anyone who thinks that the home-ed list is too concerned
with nuts and bolts and doesn't have enough philosophy!)
Subscribe by sending subscribe TCS-list [YOUR E-MAIL
So far as I know, the only home-schooling FAQ file
is the one maintained by Dave Mankins, who also runs the
home-ed mailing list. It currently has a bias towards that list, but
that will probably change as the newsgroups take off.
A fun variant on the FAQ is the FQA, or Frequently
Questioned Answers file, also by Dave Mankins.
Web Pages (a home-school link farm)
- A list of lists.
- A list of off-net home-schooling resources, by state and special interest.
- The Prodigy Home School Resource Guide
- From Prodigy, via Karl M. Bunday,,,
and me!
- Curriculum Vendors
- A page of pointers to ad(s)
(and to the appropriate sections of the Prodigy FAQ).
- Jon's micro-reviews.
- Reviews of books, programs, and/or games of interest to parents
in general or home-schoolers in particular.
- Home pages of other home schoolers.
- (Send me your URL, and I'll add you.)
- A home-school
photo gallery
- Photos (primarily) of home-schoolers who don't have their own Web pages.
- The Home Education Resource
- This is a commercial service with links to an online bookstore - and some
good home-schooling resources.
- The Parents Helping
Parents Resource Directory
- "a searchable on-line human services resource directory with a focus on
the needs of children ..."
- A home-school
- Not much so far, but perhaps it will grow.
- The Web
of Wonder education page.
- A very good list of education resources on the WWW.
- The clear-thinking page.
- A page of pointers to documents on learning and logic.
- Planetary Data
- A great entry point to all sorts of NASA pictures and information.
- Various historical documents.
- Marked up to look good on your Mosaic screen.
- A few
- Nothing fancy, just ASCII text.
- The Educational Resources Information Center
- A gopher run by the US Department of Education. Lots of info
and free educational software.
- DNA to
- An online version of Chicago's
Field Museum's
Life Over Time exhibit.
- More later ....
Jon Shemitz - -