
Bellcore's National ISDN Product Team is happy to welcome you to pub/ISDN on info.bellcore.com. This site was established in response to the many requests received by the National ISDN HotLine staff to make certain ISDN public documents available electronically. The Regional Bell Operating Companies, Ameritech, Bell Atlantic, BellSouth, Nynex, Southwestern Bell Telephone Co., Pacific Bell, and U S WEST encourage you to use the directory of ISDN contacts within their companies to discuss the pricing and installation of ISDN at your site.

Here you will find "A Catalog of National ISDN Solutions for Selected NIUF Applications, Second Editon"in the subdirectory "CATALOG.". The file is prefaced with a README file which provides a contents directory for browsing.

Should you wish to call one of the Regional Bell Operating Companies directly, a listing of each company's ISDN contact(s) can be found in subdirectory "contacts".

You are probably aware that a group has been formed at the National ISDN User's Forum to craft an "ISDN Wiring, Powering, and Extensions Implementation Plan". you can find a draft of that document at "ftphost.nynexst.com in /pub/wpe. Comments on that draft should be directed to Steve Halpern at NYNEX, internet, sjh@nynexst.com, or phone, 914-644-2581. Also, Bellcore has just released SR-NWT-003036 which summarizes primary market research conducted among small business and residential customers concerning potential increases in CPE wiring costs. To order this document, or view a list of Bellcore documents concerning ISDN, click on Bellcore Information Products Catalog under Products and Services on the Bellcore's Home Page.

If you would like to comment on the information stored at this site or wish to make a recommendation for future enhancements, you can write to us electronically at "isdn@cc.bellcore.com".

To be added to our mailing list for future information on National ISDN, please write us at the above electronic mail address, phone 1-800-992-ISDN, or address a letter to:

National ISDN HotLine,
c/o Bellcore,
445 South St., Room 2J291,
Morristown, NJ 07974