Welcome to Belmont, California

Belmont -- Access for the Community Logo
Please sign our Guest Book each time you visit. A text only representation of this page is coming soon! These pages are best viewed with the Netscape or Mosaic browser. Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about B.A.C. Here is information about our new additions and changes.

Note: The City of Belmont is developing this Website to provide more responsive government to citizens and businesses in Belmont, California. This project was begun in February, 1995. This is a pilot project and like a great masterpiece, it will take time, patience and understanding for it to be successful. If progress seems slow, please remember that we are working "behind the scenes" to provide the information you want and need.

We need your input to make this project successful! Please provide your feedback to Belmont Webmaster.

B:  Business Information; the Chamber of Commerce
E:  Education and Library
L:  Local Government: Your Link to City Hall
M:  Metropolitan area: S.F. Bay Area links and beyond
O:  Organizations, Clubs and Groups
N:  News and activities
T:  Technology Plan and Partnerships

You are visitor number since May 13, 1995.

Copyright 1995 by the City of Belmont, California.
The City Logo and "Belmont Access for the Community" are trademarks of the City of Belmont. All rights reserved.
Belmont WWW Page Credits
Send feedback to the Belmont Webmaster.
Citylink City Link USA City Net City Net
The B.A.C. Web page was first made available on April 7, 1995 through the cooperation of AIMNet, an Internet Service Provider, with a point of presence in the City of Belmont. This page is always Under Construction! Watch us GROW!

Page last updated on May 20, 1995