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Training Up Kids Video Company - Aviation video tape for kids

NetGear - E-mail Address Polo Shirts

The Children's Software Company - Great software for kids

There are currently 620 companies listed on BizWeb.

If you don't find what you are looking for here, there are other useful sites. The Open Market, Inc. Commercial Services on the Net is a good place to look for specific companies. To search for web sites, Brian Pinkerton's Web Crawler is a good search engine. The Lycos search engine is also very good. Another good source of business information is the Internet Business Center. The Internet Shopping Network is an online store with a *large* selection of merchandise. They require a membership but you can browse their store before joining.

When you are ready to take a break from shopping, be sure to check out Spatula City for the finest in spatulas and other sundries. And while you're there be sure not to miss the really big button that doesn't do anything.

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