This is a Bibliography of Articles about cross-platform development. This bibliography is by no means complete, but we hope you find it helpful. (Any articles that are available on-line have links)
Cross-platform Strategies, April '95 Scot Wingo
Windows Happenings Column Xjournal, March/April '95 Scot Wingo
Windows Happenings Column Xjournal, January/February '95 Scot Wingo
Software Development 95 Proceedings, February '95 Ken Blackwell
Windows Happenings Column Xjournal, November/December '94 Scot Wingo
Windows Tech Journal, November 1994 Scot Wingo
Windows Happenings Column Xjournal, September/October '94 Scot Wingo
All SIGS publications (cross-platform insert), September 1994 Scot Wingo
Windows Tech Journal, August 1994 Scot Wingo
NT Developer, July 1994 Scot Wingo
Windows Happenings Column XJournal, July-August '94 Scot Wingo
XJournal, July-August '94 Scot Wingo
Windows Tech Journal, May 1994 Scot Wingo
Dr. Dobbs Journal, March 1994 Chane Cullens
Details how to program for multiple environments using Microsoft's Visual C++
C User's Journal, January 1994 Scot Wingo and Louis Lu
This article details how Bristol ported MFC to UNIX and some of the portability pitfalls that had to be avoided.
Motif '93 Conference Proceedings Scot Wingo
This paper discusses the technical differences between Windows and Motif and describes how Bristol bridged the gap between the two worlds.
Two chapters written by Chane Cullens:
Published by Que Corporation, December 1994, ISBN: 1-56529-810-1, Cost: $44.99 USD
Ken Blackwell, Bristol's Chief Technical Officer, and Chane Cullens, Wind/U Product Manager, have put their extensive cross-platform knowledge down in writing, and you can now get the scoop from your local bookstore. Look for "Cross-Platform Development with Visual C++" published by M&T Press coming in May '95 to bookstores across the country. The book covers portability issues dealing with porting Win32 applications to Windows 95, Windows NT, UNIX, and the Macintosh(tm). An article entitled "Developing a Cross-Platform Development Strategy" in the June issue of Software Development is adapted from the book.
Unixworld September 1992 Howard Baldwin
Highlights Wind/U as the up and coming portability solution.
RS/Magazine March 1993 Barry Shein
"Want a neat product to build Motif Hypertext Help..."
Open Systems Today January, 24 1994
"Wind/U helps you port cleanly to a 32 bit environment... and rewards you with delivery on popular UNIX platforms."