California Polytechnic State University

Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, is one of 20 campuses in the California State University , the nation's largest 4-year university system. Cal Poly is a comprehensive university that specializes in preparing undergraduates for careers in applied technical and professional fields. 57 majors are offered in Agriculture, Architecture & Environmental Design, Business, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Science & Mathematics, and Teacher Education. Master's degrees are offered in 18 disciplines.

Enrollment for Fall, 1994 was 15,440. More than 350 clubs and organizations at Cal Poly, managed through Associated Students, Inc., encourage students to become active in campus life, including professional organizations, service clubs, and recreational sports. Housing is available both on and off campus.

The Cal Poly academic community is served by numerous student services and the Cal Poly Foundation.

Cal Poly's World Wide Web server is currently a collaborative project coordinated by Information Technology Services. The campus community is encouraged to participate. See information for Cal Poly WWW providers.

Cal Poly Databases

Points of Interest

Cal Poly WWW Projects in Progress

(These pages are experimental; pointers may change at any time.)

Ports of Call on the World Wide Web

Server Manager:

Cal Poly Web server statistics