Welcome to the "C.E. Weekly" roadstop on the info highway. We hope that we can provide you with timely and useful information about contract employment and job hunting in general.

*Subscriber click or press return here This section is for C.E. Weekly subscribers who have been assigned a user ID and password by C.E. Publications. If you are a subscriber and you do not yet have a user ID and password then call us at 206/823-2222 and ask for one.

*Non-Subscribers click or press return here. No user ID is neccesary.

The Jobs Online Webspace is divided into two sections: one for subscribers to Contract Employment Weekly and one for non-subscribers. Subscribers are able to access a larger list of job openings and also have access to our Directory of Contract Service Firms and other services. Non-subscribers are able to access a subset of the available job listings. Unlike many other job services, 90% of the jobs on Jobs Online are no older than seven days. We also offer helpful information relating to contract work to subscribers and non-subscribers alike.

You can also get information about Contract Employment Weekly and the services that we offer.

If you are new to the Contract Employment field, then check out our Contract Employment Defined page. It will give you an overview of the industry and some reasons why you might or might not want to get involved in it.

We also offer resume-writing advice in our Guide to Resume Writing.

If you are interested in a subscription to C.E. Weekly or other services offered by C.E. Publications then you can view our Publications and Services page. A subscription costs $55/year or $30/15 weeks. We can be reached Phone or US Mail at:

C.E. Publications
PO Box 97000
Kirkland, WA 98083-9700

Jobs Online is a service of C.E. Publications. We invite comments about the service and about contract work in general. If you have suggestions, flames, or just want to get something off of your chest then drop us some email at webmaster@ceweekly.wa.com.

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