The Web with a British Accent

Alan - a quiet, reserved, philosophical guy with a British accent - transforms into a powerhouse of enthusiasm and humor when he stands up to talk about the web. While he's full of anecdotes, such as the one about dropping correspondence with TimBL because after playing with the old line-mode browser he concluded this WWW idea was a bunch of twaddle - he works hard to ensure that the audience gets value for money, and that they all learn what was promised. Alan has delivered advanced development seminars at the DCI WebWorlds and at the Third International WWW conference, and will be repeating those seminars (suitably updated) in Boston in December this year. With any luck, TimBL might have forgiven him by then..

Alan has presented advanced tutorials at WWW95 in Darmstadt, and at DCI's WebWorld. We maintain The Web Developer's Virtual Library where you can search a database of some 1000 annotated URLs.

* The power of the WWW comes not simply from static "HTML" pages - which can be very attractive, and the important first step into the WWW - but especially from the ability to support those pages with powerful software. The combination of attractive screen displays, exceptionally easy to use controls and navigational aids, and powerful underlying software, has opened up the potential for people everywhere to tap into the vast global information resources of the Internet. Further examples of our work are available.

Please let us know if there is a specific area that you would like to hear more about.

Lucy Richmond
	CyberWeb SoftWare
	7002 Kingfisher Lane
	Lanham, MD 20706 USA