.coNsOle .wORlD

.iT's .heRe ...
.weLCoMe .tO .thE .nexT .lEVel ...

.cONsoLe .WOrLd

DOOM! .inFormATioN .alSo .on-liNe

.lASt .moDifIEd [21 Apr]

.viDEo .gAme .inFoRMAtiOn

.lAst moDIFieD [21 Apr]

We have provided a conversion of Nick Paiement's Sega, Nintendo, Amiga, Atari and 3DO information lists (with 32X and CD-i coming soon!). The lists can be searched by keyword lookup if you have forms capabilities. A total of 1956 titles are stored with information on the number of players, the genre, who released the game, what year it came out, and a list of cheats for each title. Nick also implements a voting system, so you can see how popular each title is.

.viDEo .gAmE FAQs

A collection of FAQs covering video game cheats, console programming and other similar stuff.

.imAgEs, .aRChiVeS, .maGAziNes .aNd .oTHer .siTes

We keep lots of images, local archives of video game related material, electronic video game magazines and links to lots of other sites.

.vIDeO .gamINg .newSGRoUp .lIsTS .anD .aRChiVES

You'll find a comprehensive list of all the usenet-news gaming newsgroups here, together with links to archive sites to pick up old articles.


.stATuS .rEpoRt

To get the most out of this database, use a fill-out forms browser such as Netscape 1.0N, Mosaic 2.4 or Lynx 2.3. Without one, you can't see what you're missing!

All the material and software present within .coNSoLE .worLD are copyright © Simon McIntosh-Smith 1994, 1995, unless otherwise stated. The information presented within these pages is correct to the best of the author's knowledge, but no guarantee is made as to its accuracy.

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Simon N. McIntosh-Smith (Simon.N.Smith@cm.cf.ac.uk)