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Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition
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Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition

This document contains the complete text of the book

   Common Lisp the Language, 2nd edition
   by Guy L. Steele, Thinking Machines, Inc.
   Digital Press
   1990 paperbound
   1029 pages
   ISBN 1-55558-041-6  $39.95
in html format. To use it, start with the Title Page or Table of Contents. A searchable index interface to the book is under construction. Several mirrors of this page are available. Please use the mirror that is closest to you.

Digital Press

We are very grateful to Butterworth-Heinemann, owners of Digital Press, for allowing us to make the full text of this important reference work widely available in electronic format. The paperbound version is of course readily available at fine bookstores, or contact them directly:
   Digital Press
   225 Wildwood St.
   Woburn, MA 01801
   Tel: 800-366-2665 (USA) or 617-928-2527
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For other fine books from Digital Press, please see the Digital Press 1994 Catalog.

Book Description

In this greatly expanded edition of the defacto standard, you'll learn about the nearly 200 changes already made since original publication - and find out about gray areas likely to be revised later. Written by the Vice-Chairman of X3J13 (the ANSI committee responsible for the standardization of Common Lisp) and co-developer of the language itself, the new edition contains the entire text of the first edition plus six completely new chapters. They cover:

Throughout, you'll find fresh examples, additional clarifications, warnings, and tips - all presented with the author's customary vigor and wit.

LaTeX, DVI, PS, and HTML versions

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Known Bugs

The LaTeX sources were converted to html using the latex2html program. We fixed many of the glitches by hand, but may have missed some. When in doubt, check your copy of the original paperbound version.

Because latex2html replaces mathematical formulas, tables, figures, and non-ascii characters with embedded GIFs, you may find that some characters drop out when cutting and pasting the text. Where possible, we've attempted to replace these GIFs with ascii equivalents.

The current index is inferior to the one available in the paperbound version and will be replaced with a form-based GLIMPSE index in the near future.

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