Researchers in Programming Languages and Compilers
Here are some home pages of researchers working on programming
language theory, design, implementation, and related areas.
Disclaimer: this list is not exhaustive! Please let me
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- Martín Abadi - DEC SRC
- Security in distributed systems, specification and verification
methods, principles of programming languages.
- Gul Agha - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Logic, object-oriented programming, formal semantics, actors.
Alex Aiken - Berkeley
- Program analysis, type theory, optimization, constraint theories,
functional programming, instruction scheduling.
Hassan Aït-Kaci - Simon Fraser University
- Constraint-based programming, object-orientation, logical and
functional programming, and the design of compilation techniques.
Thorsten Altenkirch - Chalmers
- Type theory, categorical logic and program verification.
Saman Amarasinghe - Stanford
- Compilers for parallel machines,
Jennifer Anderson - Stanford
- Compilers for scalable parallel machines,
Peter Holst Andersen - DIKU, University of Copenhagen
- Partial evaluation, C-Mix.
Andrew Appel - Princeton
- Standard ML of New Jersey. Compilation, optimization, and garbage
collection of mostly functional programming languages.
Lennart Augustsson - Chalmers
- Functional programming and implementation.
- Henry Baker - Independent researcher/consultant
- Garbage collection, GC, storage management, programming
languages, Lisp, Ada, APL, ML, functional programming, compilers,
linear types, reversible computation, parallel languages, quantum
- Carlos Baquero -
Minho University
- Concurrent object oriented programming, inheritance of concurrency
control code, C++ extensions, transactions on distributed and mobile computing.
Steve Beaty - Cray Computer Corporation
- General: parsing, genetic algorithms, software engineering
- Back-end: register assignment, code selection, instruction scheduling
Françoise Bellegarde - Oregon Graduate Institute
- Program transformation by rewriting, functional programming,
automatic demonstration, and the use of formal methods for software
Edoardo Biagioni - Carnegie Mellon
- Functional languages, parallel computing and architectures,
compilers, networking, operating systems, and I/O.
Lars Birkedal - Carnegie Mellon
- Type theory, modules, Standard ML, compilation of ML, the ML Kit, partial
evaluation, SML-Mix.
- Guy Blelloch -
Carnegie Mellon
- Parallel languages and compilers. NESL.
Matthias Blume - Princeton
- Implementation of mostly functional languages, in particular Scheme
and SML; efficiency and portability of high-level language
implementations; language design
- Alan Borning
- University of Washington
Constraint-based languages and systems.
Jean-Pierre Briot - University of Tokyo
- Object-oriented programming, concurrency/parallelism, meta-programming
and reflection, artificial intelligence, artificial life, computer
- Kim B. Bruce -
Williams College
- Semantics and design of programming languages, type theory,
object-oriented languages, models of higher-order lambda calculus
including subtypes and bounded polymorphism.
- Tim Budd -
Oregon State
- Programming languages,
implementation techniques,
Peter Buhr - University of Waterloo
- Polymorphism, persistence, concurrency, and concurrent monitoring,
visualization and debugging.
- Margaret M. Burnett -
Oregon State University.
- Visual programming languages design, theory, and implementation.
(ftp-able papers).
- Rod Burstall - Edinburgh
- Computer-aided proof and its relation to type theory; development
of correct programs with respect to a specification; applications of
category theory in computer science.
- Luca Cardelli - DEC SRC
- Theory of programming languages: polymorphism, subtyping,
objects, recursion, modularization, typechecking, distribution.
Modula-3, Obliq, ML2000.
- Nicholas Carriero - Yale
- Systems issues in the development and deployment of
software tools for parallelism
Giuseppe Castagna -
LIENS (Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Ecole Normale
- Type theory, object-oriented programming.
- Manuel M.T. Chakravarty -
Technical University of Berlin
- Design and implementation of functional and logic programming
languages with emphasis on the integration of both paradigms and
parallel implementations.
Craig Chambers - University of Washington
- Design and implementation of advanced object-oriented languages.
- Mark Chu-Carroll - University of Delaware
- Programming languages and environments, general purpose
parallel programming, compiler analysis and high-level optimization.
- Wayne Citrin - University of Colorado
- Visual programming languages and environments.
- Chris Colby - Carnegie Mellon
- Program analysis via abstract interpretation of the aliasing,
synchronization, and communication behavior of concurrent languages
such as Concurrent ML.
Robert Constable - Cornell
- Systems for computer-assisted problem solving in programming and
mathematics, such as Nuprl.
Models and program refinement for the Polya
programming language.
- Gordon V. Cormack -
University of Waterloo
- Parsing and text processing, attribute grammars, data types, concurrency.
Dirk Craeynest -
K. U. Leuven
- Semantics directed compiler construction, integrated environments,
programming language Ada, software engineering.
- Roger Crew
- Microsoft Research
- Semantics, program analysis, verification and
Mads Dam - Swedish Institute of Computer Science
- First and higher order modal and temporal logics, compositional
verification techniques, process specification languages, and
applications to computer based systems for cooperative work.
Laurent Dami - Université de Genève
- The HOP Calculus;
integration of functional and object-oriented languages.
- Jeffrey Dean -
University of Washington
- Practical whole program analysis, partial evaluation, interprocedural
optimization for object-oriented languages. The Cecil
- André DeHon
Quasistatic computing, specialization, feedback, and adaptation
- Amer Diwan - University of Massachusetts
- Garbage collection, inlining, memory system performance, optimization for
memory hierarchies, partial evaluation, program analysis, compilers for
object-oriented languages.
- Simon
Dobson - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
- Programming abstractions for parallel and distributed
systems, compilation, program transformation, semantics
Scott Draves - Carnegie Mellon
- Partial evaluation, abstraction vs. performance.
- Dominic Duggan -
University of Waterloo
- Type systems and type inference (ML3000), object types, dynamic
types, operational semantics, higher-order unification, explicit
substitutions, partial continuations, application frameworks.
- Dirk Dussart -
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
- Program specialization techniques.
Susan Eggers - University of Washington
- Dynamic compilation, code scheduling, parallel optimizations for locality.
Michael Ernst - Microsoft Research
- Static analysis, slicing, debugging (including optimized code),
serialization of parallel programs; game theory, intellectual
- David Espinosa - MIT and Columbia
- Monads, compiler and operating system architecture.
Leonidas Fegaras - Oregon Graduate Institute
- Functional programming, database programming languages, query optimization,
program transformation and verification.
Matthias Felleisen - Rice
- Principles of programming languages
- Mary Fernandez - Princeton
- Improving software development through the design of very
high-level and special-purpose programming languages and the
development of tools for their efficient implementation, such as the
New Jersey
Machine-Code toolkit.
Andrzej Filinski - Carnegie Mellon
- Continuations, CPS, category theory.
- Sigbjorn Finne - Glasgow
- Lazy functional languages, specifically Haskell, and their
use in the implementation of graphical user interfaces.
Cormac Flanagan - Rice
- Analysis and implementation of high-level parallel programming
Christopher W. Fraser - AT&T Bell Laboratories
- Retargetable code generation and optimization, including
a retargetable compiler for ANSI C.
Timothy Freeman - Carnegie Mellon
- Refinement types, ML
Svend Frølund - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Infra-structures and languages for sharing and coordination in
concurrent object-oriented systems.
David Gelernter - Yale
Linda, parallel programming, software ensembles, artificial
intelligence, adaptive parallelism, programming environments for parallelism,
realtime data fusion, and expert databases.
Shai Geva - Carnegie Mellon
- Semantics, intensional aspects of computation, domain theory,
concurrency, functional programming, reasoning about programs.
- Anwar M. Ghuloum - Carnegie Mellon
- Compilers: optimizing and parallelizing sequential languages, parallel
algorithms, languages, and architectures.
Joseph A. Goguen - Oxford
- Software engineering; formal methods; object oriented, relational and
functional programming and their combinations; concurrent computer
architecture based on rewriting; algebraic specification; theorem
proving; hardware verification; philosophy of computation.
- Andrew Gordon -
- Operational semantics; I/O and concurrency; mechanised verification.
John Greiner - Carnegie Mellon
- Language models of complexity, type theory, parallel algorithms.
Dave Grove - University of Washington
- Design, implementation and optimization of advanced
object-oriented languages, such as Cecil.
- Carl Gunter - University of Pennsylvania
- Domain theory, semantics of polymorphism, computational aspects of linear
logic, structure and representation of partial information.
- Rajiv Gupta - University of Pittsburgh
- Parallelizing and optimizing compilers; parallel architectures;
distributed, real-time, and fault tolerant computing; software testing
and debugging
Mary Hall - Stanford
- Interprocedural optimization for parallelizing compilers,
Thomas Hallgren - Chalmers
- Type systems with subtypes, graphical user interfaces for
functional languages.
- Kevin Hammond - Glasgow
- Design and implementation of pure functional languages, such as Haskell.
- John Hannan -
Penn State
- Operational semantics and type theory; compiler verification;
mathematical logic; program transformation; abstract machines.
David R. Hanson - Princeton
- lcc,
a retargetable compiler for ANSI C.
Programming languages, compilers, programming environments.
- James Harland - Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
- Foundations of logic programming, linear logic, proof theory,
deductive databases, computational logic.
Robert Harper - Carnegie Mellon
- Logical frameworks, machine-assisted proofs, ML, ML2000, modules,
lambda calculus, type theory, category theory, semantics and logics of
programs, functional programming, applications of functional languages
to systems programming.
John Hatcliff - Kansas State
- Continuations, constructive logics and type theory, computational
monads, semantics and implementation of programming languages, static
analysis, partial evaluation, persistent programming languages,
database programming languages.
- Chris Haynes -
- Type systems, control abstraction, symbolic computation, Scheme.
- Jonathan M. D. Hill - The London Parallel Applications Centre
- Data-parallel non-strict functional programming;
using parallel map, fold, and scan to express
data-parallel algorithms, e.g., parallel parsing;
vectorising non-strict functional languages;
HPF library in Fortran 90.
C.A.R. Hoare - Oxford
- Programming methods and languages, proof techniques for programs,
distributed computing, category theory in computing science, C-mos
switching circuit design.
Urs Hölzle - University of California,
Santa Barbara
- Object-oriented programming languages, compilers for object-oriented
languages, run-time compilation.
James Hook - Oregon Graduate Institute
- Application of formal methods to software development, the theory
and practice of specification and programming languages, and type
- Jim Horning - DEC SRC
- Larch;
transformations and verification in circuit design.
- Susan Horwitz - University of Wisconsin at Madison
- Language-based programming environments; program slicing,
differencing, and merging; static analysis of programs; and
interprocedural dataflow analysis.
Brian Howard - Kansas State
- Programming language design and theory, particularly functional
languages, semantics, and type theory. Logic and computation.
Natural language processing.
Paul Hudak - Yale
- Functional programming, Haskell, parallel programming in Haskell,
modular interpreters, mutable abstract datatypes.
- Graham Hutton - Utrecht University, The Netherlands
- Functional and relational programming, category theory in
computer science, algebraic approaches to programming.
Daniel Jackson - Carnegie Mellon
- Tractable representations and analyses of designs and
code. Specifications, design methods, static analysis, model checking.
Suresh Jagannathan - NEC Research Institute
- Advanced language and compiler technology for the Scheme
programming language; the incorporation of formal methods such as
continuation models, type inference, abstract interpretation, etc. as
a foundation for such a technology; parallel and distributed computing
for symbolic and irregular applications.
Sverker Janson - SICS (Swedish Institute of Computer Science)
- Foundations, design, and implementation technology for
multiparadigm languages that offer a combination of concurrency
(distribution), constraints, and mutable state.
Cliff B. Jones - Manchester University
- Compositional formal methods for parallel environments,
support systems for formal methods,
Mark P. Jones - University of Nottingham
- Programming language design and implementation, type theory, module
systems, program transformation and analysis, functional programming.
- Simon Peyton Jones - Glasgow
- Design, implementation, and application of lazy functional
languages. In practical terms, that means I spend most of my time on
our implementation of Haskell, the Glasgow Haskell Compiler, and its
Jesper Jørgensen - DIKU, University of Copenhagen
- Semantic based program manipulation and program analyses. Program
specialization (e.g. partial evaluation, deforestation and
supercompilation), flow and binding-time analysis and representation
Bill Kalsow - DEC SRC
Modula-3, programming languages and environments, compilers
and runtime systems
Dinesh Katiyar - Stanford
- Programming languages, object-oriented languages, multi-language systems,
interface definition languages, type theory
Richard Kelsey - NEC Research Institute
- Compiling scheme, Scheme 48,
continuation-passing style.
- Andrew Kennedy -
University of Cambridge
- Type systems, type inference, dimension types and the extension of
programming languages to support physical dimension, functional programming.
David Keppel - University of Washington
- Runtime code generation and its applications. Simulation and tracing.
- David King - Glasgow
- Expressing graph algorithms in Haskell, algorithm design and
correctness, imperative functional programming.
- Edgar Knapp -
- Formal methods for concurrent program development, tool support for
program design, retargetable implementation of concurrent programs.
Monica Lam - Stanford
- Compiler optimizations, computer architectures, parallel computing,
- Leslie Lamport - DEC SRC
- TLA (the Temporal Logic of Actions),
writing proofs.
- James Larus -
University of Wisconsin at Madison
- Programming languages and compilers, in particular languages and
compilers for parallel machines; design and programming of
shared-memory parallel computers; compiling symbolic languages;
program profiling and tracing; and program executable editing.
Konstantin Läufer - Loyola University of Chicago
- Programming languages and compilers, functional and object-oriented
programming, type systems, type inference, software engineering.
- Gary
T. Leavens - Iowa State
- Programming and specification language design and semantics,
formal methods (program specification and verification),
programming methodology, object-oriented programming,
functional programming, distributed computer systems.
Peter Lee - Carnegie Mellon
- Semantics-based compiler generation, program analysis and
optimization, ML, compiler support for advanced systems software.
Mark Leone - Carnegie Mellon
- Run-time code generation, partial evaluation, compiling functional
programs, program analysis and optimization, type theory.
- Xavier Leroy -
INRIA Rocquencourt
- Type systems, module systems, operational semantics,
implementation of ML, the Caml Light compiler.
Raph Levien - UC Berkeley
- Compilers for higher-order languages; analysis of memory access
patterns, closure representations, avoiding the need for garbage
- Sean Levy, Allen Dutoit, Eric Gardner, Eswaran Subrahmanian - Carnegie Mellon
- n-dim Group, Engineering Design Research Center, CMU
- Object-oriented languages/environments, embeddable languages/toolkits,
support for evolutionary prototyping, user interfaces, collaboration
Leonid Libkin - University of Pennsylvania
- Functional database query languages, semantics of programming
languages, partial information
Björn Lisper - KTH, Dept. of Teleinformatics
- Theory for efficient implementation of declarative languages;
Data parallel and functional programming; program transformations.
- Luc Maranget -
INRIA Rocquencourt
- Lazy ML: compilation of pattern matching and parallel implementation;
strategies in term rewriting systems.
- Dave Mason - Waterloo
- Compilation of functional programming languages, particularly of
Standard ML for systems programming purposes, literate programming and
other aspects of text formatting.
Florian Matthes - Hamburg University, Germany
- Persistent programming environments: extensible syntax, higher-order
type checking, static and dynamic code optimization, object store interfaces
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