Welcome to the unofficial Xanth page! I hope to continue to grow and develop this page as Xanth itself grows! Please feel free to send me any Xanth related stuff that you don't see here. (If the Image above has a green neon border- try a browser with transparency capability). Please email comments to
NOTE: please do not send me copyrighted material unless you are the original author, and give me permission to use your work. NOTE-2: Images used here are for non-commercial use only. In other words you cant use them to make any money!!The editors have been gracious enough to allow me to use the book covers, since it promotes their books. All copyrights still apply. Nuff said :)
* Future Directions *
- - a possible link to Com-Pewter
- - book summaries
- - more proof of Xanth's presence in Mundania :-)
- - images of other Piers novels
- - (your idea here!!)
more to come!!
page maintained by Andrew Lee Wooldridge:
your submissions welcome!!
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