Welcome to the WWW-pages of Ada-Belgium

Ada -- The Language for a Complex World

Ada -- When your software absolutely has to work

Ada 95 -- The new Standard for Reliability

Ada 95 -- The First Internationally Standardized Fully Object-Oriented Programming Language

The purpose of Ada-Belgium is to be a forum for persons and organizations interested in the Ada programming language, in its applications and in Ada related technologies such as software engineering methods, environments and tools.

(If you don't know what Ada is, read this .)

Ada-Belgium activities

Interested to register as an Ada-Belgium member? Just fill out the Membership Application Form and mail or fax it to the secretariat.

Call for Ada-Belgium sponsors

Companies willing to express their interest in Ada or their support for Ada-Belgium, may become a sponsor of the organization. Sponsors will be mentioned in all publications of Ada-Belgium, and in a special page on this WWW-server.

Contact me if you are interested.

Pointers to Ada related information and events

An enormous amount of Ada related information was already available on the Internet. More and more of this is now also becoming available via WWW.

Other Ada organizations

An announcement of the formation of Team Ada, an informal organization dedicated to telling the world about the advantages of the Ada programming language.

Information on Special Interest Groups in Ada, and more specificaly National Ada Associations.

A sample of other Ada organizations on the Web (incomplete):

Main ideas that can help "sell" Ada 95

(This list was started by Jean-Pierre Rosen, rosen@enst.fr.)

Ada 95 is a concurrent object oriented standardized language with support for distribution as well as numerics, information systems, real-time systems, and many other types of applications. The concurrency is well-defined and thoroughly integrated with all of the other features of the language offering a multitude of opportunities which are difficult to realize in other languages.
(From tokar@tartan.com)

Does Ada have multiple inheritance?
(From rosen@enst.fr)

YES, with a mechanism that is slightly different from what is found in other languages. It's normal: since Ada is the most recent object oriented language, it has learned from previous experience. More specifically, the chosen mechanism is safer, especially in presence of repeated inheritance.

You may find that this mechanism requires a bit more typing, but this is consistent with Ada's philosophy that ease of reading and safety should prevail over ease of writing.

Other "ammunition" is available here, and of course also on the Ada WWW Server.

the Department of Computer Science of the K.U.Leuven in Belgium kindly provides some of the computer resources to run the Ada-Belgium WWW-, ftp- and e-mail servers and associated mailing lists; and our sponsors provide the means to make Ada-Belgium possible.

[HOME] While browsing the Ada-Belgium WWW Server, clicking on this icon will always bring you back to the Ada-Belgium home page, i.e. here.

Last update: 95/05/18.

Usage of the Ada-Belgium pages is kept track of through usage statistics. See also Dirk's usage statistics.

Feedback is appreciated.
For comments, additions, corrections, etc. e-mail to:

Dirk Craeynest (dirk@cs.kuleuven.ac.be)