Yale Center for Parallel Supercomputing

Researchers at Yale's Center for Parallel Supercomputing are interested in the "domestication" of parallelism, that is, making parallelism an everyday tool for software developers. The techniques developed at YCPS are appropriate not only for massively parallel computers but for computing environments consisting of networked workstations. Powerful parallel programming languages and environments are combined with relatively inexpensive workstations, switching hardware, and communications technology to exploit the aggregate power of clusters. This distributed parallelism provides a cost-effective alternative supercomputing paradigm for numerous academic, commercial, and industrial problems.

The "dynamic" aspect of distributed parallelism is another focus of activity at YCPS. Researchers develop algorithms and software tools intended to take advantage of the fluctuating levels of temporarily idle computing cycles in a network of workstations.

The Center is interested in applying parallelism both to the traditional problems of science and engineering and to new information management problems that increasingly demand high-performance computing. The latter include databases, real-time data fusion, expert systems, and expert databases. YCPS researchers work with individual academic and corporate clients to investigate custom parallel applications and the development of application-specific software architectures.

The Center offers affiliation to both academic and corporate partners. For further information please contact :

William Spalter, YCPS Coordinator, at the Department of Computer Science (spalter-bill@cs.yale.edu).

More YCPS information

YCPS page in "Computer Science at Yale" 1993 brochure.