Welcome to the Greenpeace WWW Information Page!

Greenpeace was conceived in 1971 when members of the Don't Make A Wave Committee in Vancouver, Canada, renamed their organisation the better to proclaim their purpose: to create a green and peaceful world. In 1979 Greenpeace offices in Australia Canada, France, Holland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States joined to form Stichting Greenpeace Council, the international organisation. The present international office settled in Amsterdam in May 1989.

Hot Topics

Berlin 1995 UN Climate Summit


Atmosphere/Ozone Ocean Ecology

Toxics Terrestrial Ecology

Nuclear Energy, Waste, and Weaponry

Getting Information from Greenpeace

Go to Greenpeace in Amsterdam

Information about Greenpeace

Greenpeace Ships

The Greenpeace Home Page Development Team

Greenpeace's Information Email File Server can be reached by writing to gp-info@alternatives.com with the word: help on the first line