DAIMI: Department of Computer Science

This document is the DAIMI home page. Questions and suggestions should be addressed to staff@daimi.aau.dk. DAIMI is an acronym for Datalogisk Afdeling I Matematisk Institut, which translates to Department of Computer Science under the Mathematical Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark. .

STAFF General Information (Practical Things, Life at DAIMI)
STAFF The People at DAIMI (Employees and Students)
COMPUTING FACILITIES Computing Facilities (Computers, Printers, Installations etc.)
RESOURCES Research Activities and Groups
COURSES Studies in Computer Science. (Areas, the Structure of the Study, Courses)
LIBRARY The Library. (The CS and Mathematical Library, On-line libraries)
COURSES Statistics on the WWW server at DAIMI.

Last modified: Feb 3 1995, Johanna Wiederhold, the DAIMI Staff.