Fiction Therapy Group

DISCLAIMER: The following is a collection of material posted by readers. Any views and opinions expressed are only those of the contributor. View at your own risk! The maintainers reserve the right to remove any submissions which may jeopardize their access to the Web.
* Adventures In Web Wonderland

New arrivals should join our beginning students. In this group, any collection of words that forms a complete sentence is viewed as progress.

* Poetry Corner

If prose is a bit too demanding, how about some verse? Links make this awful verse hypertext poetry. (Previous months' epics: Ode to Insanity // That Ain't Poetry // Ack, Jack Kerouac // Metta-Verse // A Dream of the Web // When the Spam Hit the Fan // Poem 7 // Asylum Walls).

* Moderated Story [Untitled]
In the moderated story area, we try to develop more serious multi-author fiction. We want lots of authors to participate, so don't feel intimidated. Everyone who wants to make a serious effort is welcome to join in and post. (If you want to discuss the story or see where the authors think the story is going, see the comments page.)

FLASH! We've just begun (Apr. 1) a new moderated story, so now is a great time to get in at the start.

* The Web has just finished our Second Moderated Story which is a must read. It started serious, someone tossed in modern technology in the form of a helicopter, and then a few Tolkein-ish elements. But everyone adapted fast to create a story that turns some corners, hits a few bumps, but reaches a real ending that works. Let everyone know what you think on the comments page.

* Our first moderated story attempt was somewhat interesting, but it failed when we never able to reach an ending. After the story was closed out, one ending was contributed: Six Months from

* One of our old silly stories... The Case of the Murdered Mistress.

The Fiction Page are always undergoing changes which will hopefully increase everyone's enjoyment. If you have any suggestions for improvements or just want to complain, leave a note or drop us a line at
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