Welcome to the Labyrinth:

A World Wide Web Server for Medieval Studies

Sponsored by Georgetown University


ita Daedalus implet / innumeras errore vias vixque ipse reverti / ad limen potuit.
(Ovid, Metamorphoses 8.166-68).
Unlike the domus Daedali, the Labyrinth will be designed with clear paths. You will have Ariadne's Thread to follow as you explore the innumeras vias.


Choose an entry to the Labyrinth:

You may select a main menu item for a complete list of resources,
or go directly to a particular link under each main item.

* About the Labyrinth
About the Project | The Developers | What's New | Labyrinth Index (Stats Summary) | "How To" Page | Comment Form

* The Labyrinth Library
Bookcases now open: Latin | French | Italian | Middle English.

* Subject Menus
National Cultures: British Isles | France | Germany | Scandinavian Cultures | Italy
International Culture: General Medieval History | Latin | Manuscripts (Paleography, Codicology) | Music.

* Labyrinth On-Line Bibliographies

* Pedagogical Resources
Resources for teaching: e-projects, language learning aids, course materials.

* Professional News, Publications, and Organizations
Medieval Studies Organizations | Scholarly Publications | Publishers' Information | "How To" Page (for Web Development).

* Labyrinth Electronic Center
Cultural Frictions: Medieval Cultural Studies Conference (Oct. 27-28) | Interscripta Discussions and Publications, Directories, Discussion List Information.

* Medieval Studies Databases, Projects, E-Journals

* Internet and World Wide Web Resources
WWW Introductions, Guides, and Tutorials | HTML and Hypermedia Guides | Directories of Net and Web Resources | Web Search Tools | Connections to Libraries | Universities on the Web | Disciplinary Servers and E-Text Centers | WWW Virtual Library (All Subjects) | About the World Wide Web (CERN Home Page).

* Georgetown University Home Page

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