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The Interpedia FAQ

If you are new to the Interpedia project, you should probably read the Interpedia FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions and Answers). It contains a wealth of information on many different aspects of the Interpedia and it is likely that browsing it will answer many of your questions. The FAQ is also an excellent reference for some of the details of the current operation of the Interpedia project, such as where to send for help.

There are currently two versions of the FAQ available. The first is the canonical plaintext version, maintained by Alan Reynard <>. This version is more up-to-date. Also available is a hypertext version, which is unfortunately based upon an old version of the plaintext FAQ. The hypertext version is maintained by Robert Armstrong <>.


Jeff Foust <> has summarized the mission of the Interpedia in the following Mission Statement:
The last several years have seen the arrival of the Information Age. The growth of the Internet has resulted in a rapidly increasing amount of resources freely available for users worldwide. One resource lacking, though, is an encyclopedia. This lack of a unifying document is symbolic of the lack of a unifying structure to the resources available on the Internet.

The mission of the Interpedia is to be much more than an online encyclopedia. Its mission is to be a primary source of information for Internet users, and a guide to many of the online resources avaliable. The Interpedia will provide a unifying structure to the resources available, and be a resource of first-resort for people looking for information on any number of subjects.

Based on Jeff Foust's post of January 24th, the goals of the Interpedia project could be summarized as follows:
  1. The Interpedia Project will create an online, publically-accessible information resource available to all users of the Internet at no fee. A prototype of this system will be in place within one year of the finalization of a planning document, and a full-fledged system within two years of the prototype.

  2. The Interpedia will take advantage of advances in hypermedia whenever it is possible to do so without hindering the access of those limited to basic text displays.

  3. The Interpedia will strive to be more than simply an encyclopedia on a network: it will take advantage of Internet resources whenever possible.

  4. The Interpedia will not adopt a centralized editorial policy; rather, it will provide tools to permit any interested user to be his/her own editor. The Interpedia may create its own editorial board, however, to provide default recommendations to new users and those users who do not wish to use these editorial tools.

  5. The Interpedia will adopt a management structure that will permit all interested individuals to take part in the management and decision-making processes of the Interpedia.

Design specifications

Although a great deal of the Interpedia project's discussion up to this point has been focused on abstract goals and paradigms, there has evolved a set of proposed design specifications. Lee Wood <> posted an InterPedia Functionality Wish List in the Interpedia digest, Volume 2, number 24. This document may be useful to gain an understanding of what the Interpedia project is trying to accomplish.

There has been some discussion about the whether to Interpedia could be usefully implemented on top of the current World Wide Web architecture. Axel Boldt <> has posted a message entitled "Proposed anatomy of a WWW-based Interpedia" that may be useful. Tim Berners-Lee < ch>, a founder of the WWW, provided an explanation of the technical aspects of using WWW as the basis of the Interpedia.

Additionally, a number of people are working on prototype software to form the technical basis for the Interpedia.

Other sources of Information

Although it is hoped that we will be able to consolidate information about the Interpedia in a unified location and format, it is currently the case that a variety of information is scattered in a variety of places. Below you will find pointers to a variety of other resources directly related to the Interpedia project.
Gopher archives
R L Samuell <> has a gopher site serving a variety of archived Interpedia information.

Digest Archives
A great deal of the discussion about the Interpedia has taken place on the Interpedia Digest mailing list. All of the digests are archived here, if you would like to browse them. There are plans to make these searchable via a gateway, but until that time, this may be a useful resource.

The Interpedia project recent got its own Usenet group for general discussion.

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Last updated on Apr 3 1994 at 16:42 by