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Welcome to the Homebuyer's Fair

Introduction to the Homebuyer's Fair

(This page updated May 18, 1995)

Greetings. Our mission is to give homebuyers the information you need to keep more of your own money when you buy a home!

If you would like to exhibit at the Homebuyer's Fair, contact arnoldsk@us.net.

What else is here?

If you get "lost" and want to see an index, we have a map of the Fair, which on some pages is symbolized by a small graphic of a compass. To glimpse the future of real estate services on the Net, we have a prototype display of a home for sale and a virtual symposium on "Real estate agents in the year 2000." Also, we have a section to browse if you are interested in the subjects of business and commerce on the Web.

What's not here?

We have no information on commercial real estate, hotels, vacation rentals, or other real estate that does not pertain to buying and selling homes. Those would be valuable services for someone to provide, but they are outside of our scope.

More questions and answers about the Homebuyer's Fair including:

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