"Not marble nor the gilded monuments
Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme."
Shakespeare, Sonnets, LV
iambic Software is a small company headquartered in San Jose, CA, that designs, manufactures and markets software applications for the PDA (personal digital assistant) market. iambic Software is proud to support Apple Computer's Newton MessagePad family (and compatibles) with both Action Names and TimeReporter.
If you could not find what you were looking for, or would like additional information on any of iambic Software's products, please send e-mail to info@iambic.com.
iambic Software
PO Box 2338
Santa Clara, CA 95055-2338
Tel 408-985-1723
Fax 408-985-6933
24 Hour Fax on Demand 408-985-1640
First Class BBS 415-917-7594