WHO's On-line

A collective experiment towards a non-commercial, decentralized HYPERbiographical database of people on the Internet


If you wish to be listed in this year WHO's On-line, you not necessarily need to be a head of state or a selected member of your national academy of science.

Just simply tell us where is your own personal HTML page !

Standards of Admission

The foremost consideration in determining a new entry for the WHO's On-line is to have written down your own data entry containing your current CURRICULUM VITAE or SIMILAR, (see examples for WWW, gopher or ftp).

Therein you can include

and make links to

Why to do it ?

The importance of being easily and quickly reachable, you a scientist, artist, economist, engineer, student, hacker or whatever you are, has been always a necessity of humankind. Today this is possible due to the on-line services of the Internet. Friendly gopher, WWW, ftp and others are (and, certainly, will continue to) change the way information is passed along. So, if you do not wish to be ignored this year we invited you to tell us about your own biographee.

In this way people finally may start to read your scientific work or to know about your ideas. In short, this is the faster way to get a feeling for WHO on earth YOU ARE !

Benefits to everyone !

To create and mantain your own data source allows you

And, to the others, it facilites the work of discovering you. To have all these entries together also helps to melt the impersonal side of Internet.

How to be recognized ?

Send us your spatial coordinates by selecting your profession from within the ENTRIES.




E. Canessa; ICTP-Trieste, Italy; May 1994/Jan 1995.