
Institute of Photogrammetry
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dieter Fritsch
University of Stuttgart

Welcome to the WWW Server of the Institute for Photogrammetry, University of Stuttgart, Germany. We'd like to provide you with information on our work, activities of three ISPRS working groups and the news of the german umbrella organization for geoinformation (in german).

Working groups at the ifp

News of the German umbrella organization for geoinformation
* * * DDGI - aktuell * * *

ISPRS Working Groups

Joint Workshop - Integrated Acquisition and Interpretation of Photogrammetric Data, Nov. 1995, Stuttgart University

Subjects of special interest (photogrammetry, GIS, remote sensing)

Other WWW links

Only of local interest (in german)


Universität Stuttgart
Institut für Photogrammetrie
Keplerstr. 11
70174 Stuttgart
Tel. +49 711 121 3386
Fax. +49 711 121 3297