Welcome to the IIASA WWW server. This service is an attempt to make IIASA information available via the Internet using the hypermedia facilities of the the World Wide Web. Since our Web server is still in its infancy, we anticipate some evolution both in the type of information available and its organization. If you have any comments with respect to possible improvements, in either content or organization, we would be interested in hearing from you. - Jörg Messer
on Thursday, 6 April 1995, 10:00 a.m
Press Club Concordia, Bankgasse 8, A-1010 Vienna
The most recent recovery of output in some countries of Eastern Europe poses the question whether this early growth is strong or fragile. Are the factors which have depressed production of short-term nature or more permanent? These questions are all the more relevant since the GDP in most successor republics of the former Soviet Union continued shrinking by an alarming 15-30 percent in 1994. The speakers are contributors to a recently published IIASA book on Output Decline in Eastern Europe - Unavoidable, External Influence or Homemade? (Holzmann, R., Gacs, J., Winckler, G., eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995), which will be presented at the Press Briefing.
For those of you new to IIASA's Web service here's a little help in Getting Started and for the latest Web info check out What's New on the Web direct from NCSA.
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