[Pepper & Corazzini, L.L.P.]

Welcome to Pepper & Corazzini's Web Pages

Pepper & Corazzini, L.L.P. specializes in communications law. During its more than thirty years of practice, the firm has expanded its expertise from radio, television and cable matters to include satellite, MMDS, radio common carrier and cellular matters. Pepper & Corazzini's attorneys routinely appear on behalf of clients before the Federal Communications Commission and other Federal agencies, the Federal courts, the Congress and the Executive Branch. Here's an index of the information stored here:

[Pepper & Corazzini, L.L.P.] What's New (Last Updated 04/13/95)

[Pepper & Corazzini, L.L.P.] Firm Profile and Photographs

[Pepper & Corazzini, L.L.P.] Informational Memos

[Pepper & Corazzini, L.L.P.] Searchable WAIS Index

[Pepper & Corazzini, L.L.P.] Links to Other Legal Resources on the Web

[Pepper & Corazzini, L.L.P.] FCC WWW Site

[Pepper & Corazzini, L.L.P.] FCC Gopher

[Company Profile] [Memos] [Search] [Gopher] [FTP]

Let us know what you think of our web pages. Send comments to [MAIL LOGO] njf@commlaw.com - Neal Friedman

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For further information call Pepper & Corazzini at (202) 296-0600.