Standardization in Product Data Representation and
IMW supports the elaboration of
Standards concerning the neutral
product data exchange through several research projects with focus on
We provide information resources for the various national and international
standardization groups.
ISO 10303 - STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data) is an evolving
Standard which will cover the whole Product Life Cycle in terms of data sharing
and exchange.
ISO 13584 - P-LIB adresses the needs for the neutral exchange of Part
SOLIS (STEP On-Line Information
Service) located at NIST provides the main source for draft standards and
supporting documents for ISO 10303.
More information about SOLIS
ProSTEP at Darmstadt/Germany, the European STEP
Competence Center (Under construction !).
HyperSTEP maintained by FHG-IGD
at Darmstadt/Germany gives detailed information on STEP and related
Our services
Information concerning ISO
- A selection of tools related to the
specification and implementation of information models using the
- The neutral Data Exchange of Parametric Model Data
in SC4
96.4 (german)
- Part Libraries and the World Wide Web ?!? (under construction)
Mail Archives
Related topics
- The International Telecommunication Union, ITU
, is the United Nations
specialized agency dealing with telecommunication. One of its previous bodies
was the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee, CCITT,
which is now called ITU-T (Telecommunication Standardization Sector).
- SGML/HyTime
related things maintained by University of Oslo, Norway
- A collection
of documents related to Standardization maintained by University of
Erlangen, Germany
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