Myers Equity Express: keywords: loan, mortgage, finance, home, real estate, interest rate, money

Mortgage Quote from Myers Equity Express


  1. Use this form to request information on a home mortgage.
  2. Fill out this form and click on "Send to Myers".
  3. We will respond personally by phone as soon as we get your message.
  4. You will also get a $250 dollar rebate on your home loan.
  5. If your browser is not forms capable, please send us email at with the relevant information.

Contact information

Telephone (required)

What stage of finding a home are you at?

Since interest rates fluctuate, it will help us to serve you better if we know what your time frame for obtaining a home mortgage is.

Current home ownership

I am a first time home buyer
I currently own a home
I do not currently own, but I owned a home before

What city/state do you need financing in?


Loan Information

Please help us understand your needs. You may select more than one choice where applicable.

Purchase price range

Down payment

Less than 5%
5 to 10%
11 to 19%
over 20%

Loan duration

15 years
30 years

Loan programs of interest

Fixed rate loan
Adjustable rate loan (ARM)
Initially fixed converting to adjustable
Initially fixed converting to new fixed rate (5/25 or 7/23)
Other creative financing options

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Just stumbled into it while browsing around

Please enter the URL or simply a description of the document that led you to our site

When you have filled out the form and are ready to send us your request, hit "Send to Myers" button.

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