Journalism and Communications Academic WWW Sites

Version 1.0 ../.. last revision February 4, 1995../.. maintained by Gary Ritzenthalerand Sherwood Lawrence

Boston University

___________ College of Communication
___________ Multimedia Lab

Bowling Green State University

___________ Department of Telecommunications

California State University, Fullerton

___________ School of Communications

Columbia University in the City of New York

___________ Graduate School of Journalism

Georgia Institute of Technology

___________School of Literature, Communication and Culture

Hamline University

___________ Department of Communication Arts

Lehigh University

___________ Department of Journalism and Communication

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

___________ MIT Media Lab

Stockholm University

___________Department of Journalism, Media and Communication

Syracuse University

___________ Newhouse School of Public Communication

University of California at Berkeley

___________Graduate School of Journalism

University of Florida

___________College of Journalism and Communications

University of Hawaii at Manoa

___________Department of Communication

University of King's College

___________School of Journalism

University of Maryland - College Park

___________College of Journalism information
___________College of Journalism WWW server

University of Missouri

___________School of Journalism

University of North Carolina

___________School of Journalism and Mass Communication
___________ SunSITE Communications Archive

University of Oregon

___________School of Journalism and Communications

University of Ottawa

___________ Multimedia Communications Research Lab

University of Queensland

___________School of Journalism

University of Southern California

___________ Annenberg School of Communication
___________ Entertainment Technology Center

University of Texas at Austin

___________Student Media Web
___________ACTLab - Advanced Communication Technologies Laboratory

University of Wisconsin-Madison

___________School of Journalism and Communications

University of Wisconsin-River Falls

___________Department of Journalism

Related World Wide Web Sites

___________Communications Research Centre of Canada

___________Computer-Mediated Communications Center

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